HomeWHYWhy Am I Craving Coffee

Why Am I Craving Coffee

Solution: A consistently well-balanced diet.

You’re looking for emotional comfort

“I once had a client tell me that when she ate a slice of pizza it felt like a big hug, and that’s precisely where the term ‘comfort food’ comes from,” says Vellodi Reddy.

Solution: Invest some time coming up with a few off-plate items that give you a sense of comfort, especially those that don’t take much advance planning. Keep that list handy and try turning to some of those options when you feel yourself searching for comfort.

You need a little stimulation

This one is also known as ‘boredom cravings’, when you’re in a monotonous or tedious situation and you feel the cravings hit. It’s actually just your mind’s way of asking for a break, or a little something to shake things up.

Solution: A five-minute brisk walk at regular intervals will more than do the trick. Keep in mind that intellectual stimulation applies too, so listening to a few minutes of a podcast, reading a novel or anything that gets your brain to temporarily shift gears is fair game.

You’re looking for a reward

Ever finish a really tough day at work and then treat yourself because you feel like you earned it? That’s a reward craving. They come from the fact that many of us grew up with treats being limited to birthdays or special occasions, so we continue to hold that association between treats and a sense of reward or celebration. This is also the same type of craving that kicks in when you’ve been on a strict diet for a few days and so you feel like you’ve ‘earned’ a treat. The more ‘forbidden’ certain foods are, the more likely they are to be the object of these sorts of cravings.

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Solution: ‘De-reward’ treats. Schedule them in advance into your week or days for no reason—simply make them a part of your routine in a measured, deliberate way.

Ishani Vellodi Reddy’s anti-craving espresso pudding

We all know that sugar cravings usually tend to peak around mid-afternoon. A dip in blood sugar causes part of that, but so does the sluggishness that results from it. When you’re tired, the first thing your body looks for is easy energy such as processed sugar or refined carbs. The coffee in this recipe helps give you the slightest little energy boost to prevent that craving for easy energy, while the fibre fills you up and, along with the cinnamon, helps regulate your blood sugar. Plus you’ll get a solid dose of Omega-3—an all-in-one delicious little treat. In case you need any more convincing, all it takes to whip up some of this is a saucepan, one step, and about five minutes. You can’t go wrong.

INGREDIENTS1 1/2 cups almond milk2tbs almond flour1tbs chia seeds1tbs hemp hearts1tbs flax meal1/2tbs cinnamon1/2tbs monk fruit sweetener1/3tbs instant coffee

METHOD• Place all your ingredients into a small saucepan over medium heat.• Cook, stirring continuously until the pudding thickens to your desired consistency.• Remove from heat and enjoy.

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