Why Am I Getting No Likes On Hinge

There could be a lot of reasons why you’re not getting many matches but fortunately, most of them have an easy fix. Here are the top reasons why you might not be getting matches on the app.

1. You have too many selfies

The perfect amount of selfies to have on your online dating profile is none – they don’t perform well and they rarely get the results you’re looking for. Selfies are bland and boring, and are the top pet peeves of many women. They don’t tell your match anything about you, and instead make you come off as arrogant, conceited, and vain.

Replace your selfies with fun, candid photos or action shots someone else has taken of you.

2. Your profile photos aren’t cutting it

Even if you have no selfies on your Hinge profile, your pictures still may not be good enough for the app. Avoid using group photos as they’re very difficult to get right and will work against you if you’re not the most obviously attractive person in the photo.

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Here are a few tips on how to get good photos for your profile to avoid getting no matches on Hinge:

  • Use high-resolution portraits: Portraits do well on the app, and high-res photos also have a high performance rate. Show your match a clear photo of you that won’t leave her guessing.

  • Don’t cover up: Avoid hiding your face with sunglasses, a hat, or any other distractions that prevent women from getting a good look at you. Many guys forget to include a good photo of their face which can lead to no matches on Hinge.

  • Add fun and exciting photos: Make your profile stand out with exciting photos of you being active or doing an interesting hobby in real life. Whether it’s a photo of you on a camping trip, at a football game, or on vacation – it’s interesting and will intrigue potential matches.

3. Your match filters aren’t set up right

If you have your filters set to cover a close distance around where you live, you’re missing out on potentially great matches! Broaden your radius and reach more people by increasing your distance on your Hinge profile. You don’t want to limit yourself when it comes to matches, and you never know what great profiles you’re limiting yourself from seeing.

4. Your Hinge bio is too basic

Is your Hinge bio like all of the other bios out there on the app? If it is, it’s going to get lost in the sea of countless profiles that women see on a daily basis. You need to set yourself apart from the rest and add some interesting facts about yourself in your bio. Get creative and think outside of the box, and avoid any negative answers to keep things light and positive.

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Maybe you’re hopeless at crafting an impersonal, constructed profile on a dating app. Maybe you just want to see if you have chemistry with someone. In that case, it’s a great idea to try ROAST: an app that combines peer review and years of research to help your profile shine. They’ve studied what works and what doesn’t so you don’t have to.

5. You’re not using Hinge prompts

Hinge prompts can be your new best friend if you use them right! They’re an easy way to break the ice and get women interested in talking to you. You might even get a few women to message you first if your prompt is intriguing enough. Here are a few Hinge prompt examples to try on your profile:

  • I geek out on… Mariah Carey songs at the bar.
  • Two truths and a lie… I grew up on a farm. I have a twin. I was once stung by a jellyfish.
  • Give me travel tips for… Exploring your neighborhood.
  • We’re the same type of weird if… You treat your pet like your actual child.
  • I’m a regular at… My laundromat. What, I’m addicted to the smell of clean sheets.

6. You ghost your matches

One thing you definitely want to avoid is taking too long to reply or send the first message, and totally ghosting your matches. If you do, your match may unmatch or block you, and the Hinge algorithm won’t work as hard to push your profile to relevant matches. It’s good to have match preferences, but ghosting your matches on the dating app won’t help you find dating success.

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Always reply to your matches and don’t be afraid to break the ice by sending the first message to improve your Hinge experience.

7. You live in a small town

If you live in a small town that’s far away from other towns, this could be the reason why you have few matches on Hinge. To help boost your matches on Hinge, optimize your profile and make yourself as attractive as possible. You can also try turning on Hinge when you’re in other cities or traveling to expand your reach and add new matches to your queue.

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