Why Am I Not Losing Weight After Gastric Sleeve

Sleeve surgery is an effective weight loss option that has helped many individuals lose excess weight and improve their overall health. When performed by an experienced surgeon, sleeve surgery will lead to clear, measurable results.

However, if you’re not losing weight as expected after gastric sleeve surgery, then the reason may be one of the following:

1. You’re not following the post-operation diet.

After surgery, patients are given specific instructions for foods they should eat and foods they should avoid. The diet is specially designed to facilitate healthy weight loss and recovery. The diet is not optional and should be taken seriously.

Patients struggling to follow the diet should speak to their doctor for tips and advice. Ignoring the postoperative diet could make it difficult to lose weight after weight loss surgery.

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2. You’re not eating enough protein.

Protein is an important part of every healthy diet and key to weight loss. Patients should be eating at least 60 to 90 grams of protein every day to see positive results.

3. You’re eating too much or too little.

Patients should be eating three meals per day and sticking to healthy portion sizes. Eating too little will make patients more likely to binge eat.

It’s important to develop healthy eating habits immediately after weight loss surgery to reduce the risk of weight gain in the future.

4. You’re not drinking enough water.

Patients should be drinking 48 to 64 ounces of water per day. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration and make it difficult to flush out toxins. This also has a negative impact on weight loss.


5. You’re consuming alcohol or other liquid calories.

Sweetened drinks like juice, soda, tea, and cocktails lack nutrition but contain high amounts of sugar and calories. Consuming alcohol and high-sugar liquids will make it difficult to lose weight after surgery.

6. You’re consuming unhealthy, or “empty,” calories.

Salty or sweet snacks, very greasy foods, and meals with “empty” calories make it difficult for the body to obtain the right nutrients and lose excess weight. Patients should follow the post-op diet provided by their physician and avoid eating unhealthy foods.

7. You’re not taking the right vitamins.

After surgery, patients need certain vitamins to aid weight loss and support recovery. Patients will be instructed to take a multivitamin, calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12 to avoid long-term health complications that can arise, such as anemia or bone and kidney disease.

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8. You’re eating processed foods.

Patients need to avoid processed protein shakes, food bars, and packaged meals. Even if they’re labeled organic, gluten-free, and “healthy,” they often contain artificial ingredients that increase cravings for junk food and make it difficult to make good food choices.

9. You’re not getting enough exercise.

Weight loss surgery is a tool that should be used alongside regular exercise. Patients need to stick to an exercise regimen and commit to staying active for the rest of their lives. Without exercise, patients are likely to resume unhealthy lifestyle habits.

10. You’re not dealing with stress and anxiety properly.

Prior to surgery, many patients were accustomed to eating as a way of dealing with stress. After surgery, patients need to have a healthy way of dealing with stress to ensure weight loss and full recovery.

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