Why Am I So Mean To My Husband

Long before I became a marriage healer, I personally suffered from anger and eventually reached a point of realization. I knew that something had to be done.

I had always been prone to anger, but I never saw it as a problem. I always had a reason to justify it whether it was to blame someone or something I. like almost everyone else never thought I had a “problem”. It wasn’t until the ’90s, I started recognizing the negative impact it had on my family, friends, and business associates that I finally decided to do something about it.

Unfortunately, the psychological tools available at the time were pretty meager and insufficient. Even now I get angry comments from psychologists (which I remove- who needs them) who condone anger as being “natural” and emotions being something we should all embrace. You yourself experience anger and emotions, though they are natural, are just as toxic and destructive as strychnine.

With a determined effort, and many “final” vows to stop being angry, I was able to make some progress, but not nearly enough considering the effort I put in. It took everything I could muster to just begin to control my outer reactions but my inner anger was burning a hole in my heart. I even got headaches from the (wrong) effort.

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After working on it for over 10 years, I still hadn’t made any real progress. The only thing I learned to do was to become somewhat aware of my reactions but not always and I was still not in control. Sometimes I could stuff my anger, or redirect it when I was in a situation that demanded it. But I never actually conquered it. Ironically, my wife and kids got the brunt of it.

When I began saving marriages, I started observing anger more objectively, traced its origins, learned what fed it, and devised a way to eliminate it, entirely.

Everything came into real focus when I learned about the relationship between the body, mind, and soul. This is the real key to understanding the cause of anger and how it impacts marriage (also how to have an incredible marriage).

Through helping my clients, I created a clear, foolproof process to conquer anger, to eliminate it. I now teach this process as part of my larger step-by-step marriage-saving system. It has done wonders for me and my clients, allowing us to master anger, and simultaneously become immune to the anger of others. As you can imagine, that was a very pleasant and unexpected surprise for me!

In this article, I’m going to share my discoveries with you, so you can see for yourself how anger works and what you can do about it.

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