Why Am I Still Here Lyrics

This was honestly my favorite song to write off the EP. When I coming up with the lyrics, I dug deep into what was hurting me at the time. This song deals with a lot in such a sort amount of time.

The major theme of “why am I still here” is being a person of your word. In a way, me saying “I’m a man of my word” ends up becoming the famous last words in almost every situation. I promised someone that I would always be her friend and be there for her no matter what. She was going trough a rough patch and I just wanted to be there for her and help her smile. Seemed pretty genuine at the time, am I right?

Our friendship evolved. We (well, I felt we, I don’t want to speak for her) got closer and I started developing feelings for her. The irony was I didn’t want to develop feelings for her but, my dumb ass did anyway. I tried my absolute best to bottle up my feelings. I’m pretty sure she caught on, which was what I felt caused our friendship to strain a bit. Sure, I did things that ended up upsetting her because I felt it would’ve helped her work anxiety. My bad… This is such a long story to tell… and I think I unintentionally told bits and pieces of it throughout the EP. To keep this on the shorter side, the part that hurt the most is going from being close friends and talking nearly everyday to radio silence in a short amount of time.

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But, I’m a man of my word. Should she ever need anything, I’ll be around. I’ll be waiting around like a lost cause… no matter what.

The second theme of the song is questioning why you’re still existing. I don’t really have a long-winded explanation for this one. Has anyone heard of the 27 club? No, not the MGK owned coffee shop. The urban myth that it’s named after is what I’m talking about. For every positive, there’s a negative. Life’s a rollercoaster. When I was 27, so many positive things were happening for me. It made me keep asking myself when it all was going to come crashing down. I didn’t think I was going to die… it was more or less a coincidence, really. Something that I wouldn’t be surprised about if it were to happen.

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