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Why Ami


A guarantee of quality

The Association Montessori Internationale authorizes training centers all around the world. These centers provide AMI training internationally recognized for their high standards and authenticity. The courses are, essentially, the same in all training centers. The AMI authorized training centers are closely supervised by AMI, the trainers are AMI teachers and each course has external examiners, appointed by AMI.

Dr. Maria Montessori founded AMI

The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), founded in 1929 by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a global community that continues to protect the integrity of Maria Montessori’s work.

The AMI diploma offers the following carrier opportunities

– AMI trained teachers have more carrier opportunities and are increasingly sought for in Romania

– the AMI diploma is recognized all over the world

– an AMI teacher might become a director, manager, consultant, trainer or may open her/his own school

– AMI also offers other programs for the AMI graduates such as annual refresher courses and the Educateurs sans Frontières (Teachers without Borders) program aiming at supporting the cause of all children and at reinterpreting the Montessori principles and practices in an extended approach to society.

Why face to face training?

The Montessori approach offers a broad vision of education as an aid to life. It is designed to help children with their task of inner construction as they grow from childhood to maturity. It succeeds because it draws its principles from the natural development of the child. Its flexibility provides a matrix within which each individual child’s inner directives freely guide the child toward wholesome growth.

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The preparation of the adult about to undertake work with young children demands a high degree of self-discipline and commitment, and a professional attitude. This preparation can only be achieved through immersion in the Montessori theory under the supervision of experienced lecturers. Furthermore, the special materials to be used with the children in a Montessori class require individual training and supervised practice—as each piece of apparatus has a function in the total scheme of the Montessori Prepared Environment.

These fundamental aspects cannot be covered in sufficient depth by distance learning.

Montessori training is a process of re-orientation where students begin to discover for themselves the profound truths underlying the Montessori approach.

Courses are full-time and are offered over an academic year or several summers. The course programme includes lectures, seminars and demonstrations on Montessori philosophy, child development and the Montessori materials.


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