HomeWHYWhy Are Bar S Hot Dogs So Cheap

Why Are Bar S Hot Dogs So Cheap

We were once at a different point in our lives here at the Hot Dog Hot Blog. Our grocery budget was small and we had not yet the funding to experience such wondrous hot dogs. So we would buy Bar S Franks. Don’t know what I’m talking about? You’ve seen the package:


I was impatient and starving so the package is empty.

These are classic hot dogs, a mystery meat concoction that are a good ole standby. Unlike another frugal option we have covered, these are delicious. These were my go-to before I opened my eyes to the world of hot dog options. If you notice in the bottom right corner of the package though you’ll notice cooking instructions for two that we always cover and one that we are fiddling with possibly adding to the list of methods.

The microwave.

Microwaving hot dogs is not as contentious a topic as, say, is a hot dog a sandwich? (we’ll eventually throw our hat in) but opinion on whether or not one should microwave a dog is split. I asked family members and some swear by it, and others are appalled at the notion. So today we microwaved a hot dog for your enjoyment. I have never seen such a contrast in dogs:

L-R: Grilled, boiled, steamed and microwaved

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Grilled is usually the clear cut winner (sometimes) for hot dogs so let’s start here. Like I said, these are classic hot dogs and their texture is almost velvety like a braunschweiger (believe me when I say I spelled that right the first time, small moment of amazement) sausage. There isn’t a strong taste with these, you could eat a handful and not even notice. These would make fantastic campfire hot dogs.

When boiled these dogs actually seemed to acquire a stronger flavor, and the texture was slightly mushy rather than smooth in the grilled. I think (my theory here, not fact….unless it is fact) since these are the frugal option and boiling a hot dog is the quickest and cheapest (you’d need a steamer or charcoal/gas + grill instead of just a pot and water) method that they are meant to be boiled. It is even the first suggested method on the package, so take that as you will.

Steamed didn’t do it for me really. Same amount of flavor as the boiled with, and I am typing this from my notes, “very, very, very, very light snap.” These dogs didn’t really have much of a snap across the board but if you are all about the feeling, steamed these suckers.

Ok microwave, I followed the instructions and everyone always said to wrap it in a paper towel when microwaving so I did just that and the skin actually slightly peeled off on the towel. Maybe don’t actually wrap them up? Not only did these not have a snap, they had what I call an “anti-snap” the first bite was like biting into rubber that has some weird filling. The inside was fairly solid unlike the other two and still retained the mild mystery meat flavor in classic dogs.

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Every method reminded me of the hot dogs you get in a corn dog. For that reason alone it almost makes me want to categorize these as an ingredient dog, but they have earned their place in legit hot dog spaces. Although I imagine these would be fantastic in beanie weenies (I’m sure there is a serious name for that dish, but I don’t care). If you just want to buy them for their flavor, throw them on the grill or boil them, but I may steer away from the microwave for a while.


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