Why Are Cats Better Then Dogs

8 Reasons Why Cats Make Great Pets

When looking for the perfect pet for you or your family, it is easy to bypass cats and look straight to dogs. However, cats can be just as loyal, playful and fun as any dog. In fact, there are many benefits to having a cat as a pet. Here are the main reasons.

  1. Cats are clean

Cats are self-grooming animals and therefore you’ll rarely need to bathe them. Although you’ll need to regularly brush your cat they tend not to bring as much dirt into the house as dogs.

  1. Cats Are Quiet

Cats are quiet pets. If you’re living in an apartment or in a house close to your neighbours a cat’s meow would be rarely heard, let alone complained about.

  1. Low Maintenance Animal

Cats require less maintenance than dogs. They self- clean, do not need walks nor to be taken outside to go to the toilet. Cat’s do not need any formal training and are capable of entertaining themselves.

  1. Easy to Toilet Train

Most kittens will know instinctively how to use the litter box as soon as you bring them home. You may need to show them where it is, yet that is likely to be the extent of the training required.

  1. Cats Cost Less Than Dogs
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Cats are often more affordable to buy, they eat less, require less toys and generally cost less to care for then dogs. Vet fees are generally less expensive for cats, saving you a substantial amount of money across its lifespan.

  1. Cats Can Be Left Alone

Cats are self-sufficient animals. They can be left alone for long periods of time quite happily. In fact, if they are left with food and water, they can spend one or two nights alone indoors just fine.

  1. Cats Are Ideal Apartment Pets

Cats are content living in small spaces. They don’t need much space and because they are quiet, they will not annoy neighbours. Since they use litter boxes, they don’t need outdoor space or a balcony.

  1. Long Life Span

Cats have a long lifespan with an average expectancy of 12 years but it’s not uncommon for them to live up to 20 years. That means you’ll have you’re companion by your side for many, many years to come.

Karingal Vet Hospital

If you’ve recently introduced a kitten or cat into your home, contact us at Karingal vet Hospital for a complete check-up of your cat, routine vaccination or for advice on how to care for your new companion.

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