Why Are Chickens Funny

Have you ever asked yourself “Why are chickens so funny?” Even if you don’t agree with the question, there are people on TikTok that are convinced it’s perhaps the joke of the year.

After 2022 was ruled by jokes such as the “How long short people live” one, social media users are adamant about making the new chicken joke viral in 2023.

The question may at first come across as silly and even not so funny, but wait until you hear the answer, that too in the voice of an adorable toddler.

So, if you’re thinking “why are chickens so funny?”, here’s why!

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Photo by Tim Graham/Getty Images

‘Why are chickens so funny’ joke explained

There isn’t much reasoning that goes into the new joke on TikTok, just like the others the platform hosts.

The joke stems from a video that shows a toddler carrying a chicken while a female voice in the background says: “Alright, tell your joke.”

Even though it isn’t the same kid in the video who goes on to tell the joke, another voice is heard asking: “Why are chickens so funny?”

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When the female asks “why”, the kid says “because” in a dragged voice, making the word sound just like the clucking of a chicken.

To understand the joke better, watch the video below.

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TikTok users want to make it viral

Some are even calling this a dad joke that was aced by a toddler. Nevertheless, TikTok users want to make it viral as they aren’t getting enough of the joke! It isn’t surprising that the video has been viewed a whopping 31.4 million times in less than a day!

In response to the video, one commented: “Dang I burst out laughing harder than I expected.”

“This is eggs-traordinary,” wrote another, adding to the joke.

“I was ready for some random kid answer but this is hysterical,” read another comment.

A fourth person wrote: “I need everyone to burst out the biggest laugh they got in them.”

2022 saw how long do short/tall people, emos and idiots live jokes go viral

In 2022, TikTok users took it upon themselves to find an answer to the questions – How long do short people live, how long do tall people live, and how long do emos and idiots live?

Basically, the trend resulted in people looking for answers on Google for the above questions, while there exists no scientific reasoning to explain it.

Obviously, each one of them was met with a different answer as tracing the life expectancy of a person based on these factors is simply not practical.

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But, the joke never got old, and TikTok users resorted to pulling the leg of fellow users who were too short or too tall.

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