Why Are My Lips Uneven

How to fix uneven lips

The eyes may be the window to your soul, but chances are your companion is looking at your lips just as much. Our mouths portray a significant amount of non-verbal information. Are we happy? Stressed? Anxious? Excited?

It’s no wonder people are concerned with the appearance of their lips. If your lips are uneven, you may have a heightened sense of self-consciousness. Changing those not attractive face features may be easier than you think!

Read on to learn how to fix uneven lips:

💋 What causes uneven lips

💐Non-surgical methods for correcting your lip shape

📋How to decide on your best choice

What Are Uneven Lips?

We are attracted to symmetry as it makes us look more attractive. Some of us have more facial harmony than others, which also applies to the symmetry of your upper and lower lips. They can be shorter on one side and appear as crooked lips or have a disproportionate size.

Are uneven lips attractive?

Lip asymmetry is a very common occurrence, but for some people, it may be a frustrating cosmetic issue. And if the years are showing around the mouth, you’re probably looking for minimally invasive ways to fix smile lines, lip volume, and crooked lips.

Main Causes Behind Uneven Lips

Let’s take a look at the main causes of this cosmetic issue.

Genetic Factors: Are uneven lips genetic? You bet. Take a close look at your parents, and you’ll see they may be the reason your reflection has you considering lip surgery. However, there are natural methods to combat your genetics and incompetent lips.

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Aging: As we age, there is a continual loss of collagen, which can impact lip shape and volume. Also, our face loses muscle tone over time. Facial exercises could help strengthen the muscles and give you a lip lift.

Injury or Trauma: Scar tissue from an injury or surgery could result in nerve damage that can affect your lip line and shape.

Dental Issues: Uneven teeth, underbite or overbite, and a misaligned jaw impact your smile. So, can braces fix uneven lips? If problems with your bite affect your lip alignment, braces might be part of your treatment plan.

Lifestyle Factors: Smoking causes fine lines and an uneven appearance around the mouth. Getting rid of smoker’s lines will take some effort, but it’s possible. You may also experience UV damage from sun exposure, lack of SPF usage, and dry skin.

Non-Surgical Ways to Fix Asymmetrical Lips

Although surgery or techniques like lip injections or lip filler can provide long-term results when it comes to changing your appearance, it should be a last resort. If you are looking for ways to reduce fine lines around the mouth, it’s best to try a natural method first.

So, how can I make my uneven lips even?

Mewing: What is it and How to do it

We know that muscles in our faces need to be exercised, but what are facial exercises? If you’re looking for the 10 best exercises for facial symmetry, try mewing!

What exactly is mewing? Poor oral posture is the cause of aesthetic and medical maladies in our faces. If you’re like most people, you probably rest your tongue at the base of your mouth and hold your teeth slightly ajar. This open mouth posture can lead to a host of problems; misalignment of the jaw, snoring, and asymmetry in the face.

You should press your tongue against the roof of the mouth, close the teeth with the upper teeth aligned slightly ahead of the lower teeth, and have your lips closed. This will encourage you to move away from mouth breathing vs nose breathing and prevent other health issues.

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To give the mewing method a try, it’s best to get some guidance and encouragement. Mewing coach offers a free quiz to help you get started with their app. They’ll analyze the areas you need to work on and provide you with targeted exercises and a personalized plan.

Mewing.coach offers an in-app reminder, and you can track your progress by taking daily pictures and uploading them in the app. You’ll soon find all the mewing strong sides, such as added health benefits, a more attractive face, and zero side effects.


You can create an appearance of fuller supple lips with makeup. Find a tutorial that is right for you and create an appearance of fuller supple lips with some foundation, lip pencils, and lipstick.

Skincare Products

Exfoliation, moisturization, and sun protection are just as important for our lips as for the rest of our face. Try a DIY lip scrub and buy a collagen supplement to add to your daily skincare routine.

Lifestyle Changes

We all have bad habits we need to change, but there are minimally invasive ways to fix smile lines or other frustrating cosmetic issues. The recommended daily intake of water is about 12 cups. So drink up! Give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which further dehydrate the body and the lips.

Minimally Invasive Procedures to Treat Uneven Lips

Can lips be made symmetrical using nonsurgical procedures? Here are some methods you might try:

Dermal Filler: Visit your dermatologist for a consultation on injectable fillers. Lip fillers can add volume, restore fullness, and plump the appearance of your lips. But uneven lips after filler are a possible side effect.

Botox: Botox is a purified toxin that is injected into the lip to improve its aesthetic proportions. However, Botox lasts for just a few months, so it would need to be repeated frequently.

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Lip Tattoos: A lip tattoo is called ‘lip blushing.’ A qualified tattoo artist can refresh the pigment and create younger-looking lips. Although this is considered a permanent tattoo, it’ll be necessary to repeat the procedure as the pigmentation fades over time.

Surgical Uneven Lip Fixes

Severe cases may require surgery and if you often find yourself wondering, ‘why is one side of my lip higher,’ you may have considered surgical treatments.

Lip Augmentation

A surgical lip lift involves inserting an implant inside the lips. Recovery time will be a few days to several weeks, depending upon the type of procedure your surgeon performs.

Lip Reduction Surgery

In a lip reduction, the surgeon will remove some tissue from inside the lip. There may be some temporary swelling or numbness afterward. Possible side effects are asymmetry and scar tissue.

How to Choose the Uneven Lip Treatment Option That Best Suits You

  • Cost: If you have slightly asymmetrical lips, the costs could be negligible in the form of mewing exercises, makeup, or simple lifestyle adjustments. In more severe cases, lip surgery may be very costly.
  • Risks: With the non-invasive treatment, there are no risks, and it will positively impact your overall health. There are always risks involved with other types of treatment as dermal fillers, botox, and surgery all come with the side effect of misalignment of the face.
  • Recovery time: Recovery time in invasive treatments may be a few days or weeks. Make sure you have the proper support during your recovery.
  • Longevity of results: Dermal filler, Botox, and tattoos can last a few months. Mewing can achieve results that will be permanent and without negative side effects.
  • Importance of consulting with a professional: It is of the utmost importance to consult with your healthcare provider if you choose a more invasive path. Make sure they are board certified, recommended, and have solid references. Understand the side effects, cost, and recovery.

What are the Next Steps for Smiling Confidently and Feeling Beautiful

For most people, a more attractive kiss can be achieved by simply incorporating mewing as non invasive method to improve lips into their daily routine.

If collagen loss and decreased muscle tone are visible on your face, mewing can be a non invasive marionette lines treatment. Also, be mindful of healthy habits such as hydrating and proper nutrition.

Regardless of the smile you were born with or what time and circumstances have dealt you, options are available for a more attractive face and a greater sense of confidence.

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