HomeWHYWhy Are My Pumpkin Leaves Turning Yellow

Why Are My Pumpkin Leaves Turning Yellow

If you’re a gardener with yellowing and browning pumpkin leaves, you may ask why are my pumpkin leaves turning yellow or brown!

pumpkin leaves yellow

Sometimes, it’s simply due to age and the leaves are starting to die off. Or it could be a nutrient deficiency, like not enough nitrogen in the soil. It could also be a watering issue – either too much or too little water can cause problems.

In some cases, the problem may be due to simple environmental factors. If the pumpkin plant is getting too much sun, it will also start to turn yellow and then brown. Finally, pests or diseases could also be to blame.

In this post, I’ll discuss each factor in detail and also share the treatment and tips for growing a healthy pumpkin plant and therefore ways to avoid yellow pumpkin leaves.

Let’s take a closer look at why your pumpkin leaves may be turning yellow or brown.

Causes of Yellow or Brown Pumpkin Leaves

Nutrient Deficiency

One common cause of nutrient deficiency in pumpkins is a lack of nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary for the production of chlorophyll, which gives plants its green color.

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When nitrogen is lacking, chlorophyll production decreases, causing the leaves to turn yellow or brown.

Other nutrients that can affect the color of pumpkin leaves include phosphorus and potassium. A lack of either of these minerals can cause stunted growth and discoloration of the leaves.

Pumpkin plants need a well-balanced diet of all essential nutrients to remain healthy. My best pumpkin fertilizer schedule will help you ensure that your pumpkin plants do not undergo any nutritional deficiencies.

Environmental Stress

While the pumpkin’s yellow leaves may be caused by a lack of nutrients, more often it is due to environmental stress.

Environmental stress can be caused by a number of factors, including drought, excessive heat, cold temperatures, and wind damage.

When pumpkins are exposed to these stresses, they will begin to shut down in order to conserve energy. This process is known as abscission, and it causes the leaves to turn yellow or brown.

Pumpkins are not the only plants that are affected by environmental stress. Many trees and shrubs go through a similar process in autumn as they prepare for winter.


Pumpkins are also susceptible to several diseases. Downy mildew, Bacterial wilt, Alternaria blight, and insect damage are all common problems for pumpkin plants.

Downy Mildew

Downy mildew is caused by a fungus that thrives in cool, damp conditions. The first signs of downy mildew are yellow spots on the leaves. If the disease is left unchecked, it will spread to the stems and fruit of the pumpkin plant.

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Bacterial Wilt

Bacterial wilt is another serious disease that can affect pumpkins. This disease is caused by a bacterium that lives in the soil and enters the plant through the roots. The bacteria then block the flow of water in the plant, causing the leaves to wilt and die.

Alternaria Blight

Alternaria blight can cause the leaves to turn brown and die. The fungus can also affect the stem, fruit, and even the seeds of the pumpkin plant. This disease is often spread by wind or rain, and it can be difficult to control once it gets started.

To prevent Alternaria blight from damaging your pumpkin crop, be sure to water early in the day so that the leaves have time to dry before nightfall. You should also remove any dead or dying leaves from the plant as soon as possible.

Insect damage can also cause yellow or brown pumpkin leaves. If the leaves are damaged by insects, they will usually have small holes in them.

As well as insects, animals also damage pumpkins and pumpkin plants!

Natural Process

Another reason for yellowing leaves is simply the pumpkin’s natural lifecycle – as it matures, its leaves will begin to die off and turn brown.

What Can I Do About My Yellow Pumpkin Leaves?

Here are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue and avoid brown pumpkin leaves.

  • If you think your pumpkin leaves are yellowing due to a nutrient deficiency, you can try adding some compost or organic matter to the soil.
  • You can also try giving them some additional water or using a fertilizer specifically designed for pumpkins.
  • If too much sun is the issue, you can cover your pumpkin plant with some shade cloth during the hottest part of the day. Also, ensure that it gets enough sunlight. A pumpkin plant needs at least six to eight hours of sunlight per day to stay healthy. My tips on when to plant pumpkin seeds will ensure you plant them at the correct time of the year to ensure better growing conditions.
  • If pests are the problem, you may need to treat your plants with an insecticide or fungicide.
  • Water your pumpkin plants regularly.
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Whatever the cause, yellow or brown pumpkin leaves are not always a cause for alarm. With a little investigation and some simple care, you can help your pumpkin plants thrive and produce beautiful, healthy fruits in time for Halloween and Thanksgiving!

How to grow pumpkins for beginners will give you further advice and tips for growing healthy pumpkins from seed!

Homeguides provides lots of information on yellow and brown pumpkin leaves

Do you now know how to avoid Pumpkin Leaves turning Yellow and Brown?

Why are my Pumpkin Leaves Turning Yellow and brown


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