HomeWHYWhy Are Thighs Attractive

Why Are Thighs Attractive


The photographs were taken of a 24-year-old female model in front view and side view, who authorized the use of her photographs for manipulation and study in a survey on the aesthetics of the anterior thigh. The approval of the research ethics committee is waived due to the design of the study, which is based on a survey not associated with patients. This study was conducted following the ethical standards established in the Declaration of Helsinki.

The photographs were manipulated using Adobe Photoshop CC by applying image editing tools, using angles in the side view and ratios in the front view (Figs. ​(Figs.11 and ​and22).

In side-view photographs, the angles were defined considering the tangent line that passes in the anterior border of the crural quadriceps and the diagonal line that intersects this line and crosses the anterior border of the patella, therefore assessing six significant angles (155°, 157°, 160°, 164°, 169°, and 175°) placed on a panel in the study survey (Fig. ​(Fig.11).

In front-view photographs, manipulations were made by altering the ratio between the vertical line that runs from the anterior superior iliac spine and that reaches the upper edge of the patella and the largest width of the thigh, assessing the six most significant ratios (0.40, 0.42, 0.44, 0.46, 0.48, and 0.50) placed in a panel in the study survey (Fig. ​(Fig.22).

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The survey was designed on the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform in which each participant was paid $0.06 to fill in demographic data, such as place of origin, age, sex, ethnicity, and to order the thighs in descending order, that is, from the most beautiful to the least beautiful, in two panels of images in the side view and front view, with six modifications. Similarly, two additional questions were asked about the preponderant factor in female beauty and the importance of the anterior thigh. (See survey, Supplemental Digital Content 1, which displays data about beauty in anterior thigh designed in Amazon Mechanical Turk, http://links.lww.com/PRSGO/B892.)

All data were downloaded from the Amazon Mechanical Turk digital platform and stored in a database in Microsoft Excel 16.43. Similarly, the chi-square test for goodness of fit was performed using the software package for statistical analysis SPSS version 25.


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