HomeWHYWhy Are Veneers Bad

Why Are Veneers Bad

Everyday Health: What are the pros and cons of dental veneers?

Martin R. Polin, DMD (drpolin.com)

Veneers are a great way to improve your smile, especially if your teeth are chipped, malformed, very discolored or will not and cannot be whitened. The pros of veneers are that they can be done in only two visits, the color easily changes, and the porcelain has the real look of teeth and will not stain. The main con is that the teeth sometimes have to be shaped so it’s generally not a reversible procedure. But veneers will give you the smile everyone wants.

Ramin Tabib, DDS ( nycsmiledesign.com)Cosmetic Dentist in New York, NYStarting with the cons — veneers are irreversible, costly, and need to be replaced after 15-20 years. The pros? Veneers can allow for both shape and color changes, can make your teeth stronger than they were, and are natural looking and allow for a true smile makeover.

Mark Levy, DDS ( stoneridgedentalcare.com)

Until fairly recently, getting veneers required the removal of a very thin layer of enamel. Some people don’t want that. Over the last several years, we have seen the introduction of very attractive ‘prepless’ veneers. These require minimal or no tooth grinding. I’ve placed them on one on my children, and both he and I are thrilled with the results.

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Christopher A. Stanosheck, DDS (thesmiledesignstudio.com)

Dental veneers, if done properly, can be quite beautiful and natural looking. Dental veneers can quickly correct worn, chipped, rotated, discolored or fractured teeth. Many factors come into play when determining if you are right for veneers. A stable bite may make or “break” (literally) a successful veneer case. An important rule to remember: The health of your back teeth determines the health of your front teeth. Your dentist should evaluate your bite first before veneers are considered. Veneers can also be customized to fit your facial symmetry and style. Designs can range from feminine to aggressive. Designs can also be softened or more natural. Individuals considering veneers should first choose a design that fits their personality. Importantly, anyone considering veneers should ask a lot of questions: Can I see some before and after photos of previous patients? Is there a “smile catalog” I can look at? Can I see my design in wax first?

Veneers can be expensive and are permanent so careful consideration should be taken when deciding on your perfect smile.

Lance Timmerman, DMD Veneers are a fantastic way to improve a smile. In about two weeks, a thin layer of porcelain is placed over the front and edge of the teeth to lengthen short teeth, repair chipped or broken teeth, or improve the color of teeth. In two visits, a smile can be completely changed and, in skilled hands, veneers can last a very long time. If the teeth are fairly straight, very little (perhaps even zero) tooth structure would need to be altered or removed. In many cases, however, some reduction in tooth structure is needed for the best result. The only con would be that this is an irreversible process. Fortunately, it’s extremely rare for someone to want them removed so they can go back to the way they looked before treatment ever started.

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Jeffrey Dalin, DDS (dfdasmiles.com)

Porcelain veneers are excellent restorations. We can change the color, shape, size, and alignment of the teeth with this technique. It is a fast and long-lasting way to accomplish a “smile makeover.” One of its advantages is the fact that you do minimal preparation to the teeth. I have been placing veneers for over 20 years now, and the results are outstanding.

Adrian Fenderson, DDS (napadentist.com)First, the pros of veneers.

Realistic appearance: One of the features of porcelain veneers contributing to their rising popularity is their optic properties. Porcelain is a ceramic that has many similar properties to the teeth’s natural covering, enamel. Because of this, porcelain veneers appear natural and realistic.

Stain-resistance: Porcelain is a ceramic. and is therefore quite ”glass-like.” Its surface is extremely smooth and impervious. This makes porcelain veneers quite resistant to permanent stains. No need to worry about coffee, wine, or cigarette stains!

Durability: Porcelain veneers are relatively long lasting – up to 15 years – compared to plastic (composite) veneers (up to seven years).

Color versatility: The color of porcelain veneers can be selected such that it makes dark teeth appear whiter.

Ease of shaping: Compared to crowns, porcelain veneers do not require extensive shaping prior to the procedure thin. Ultra thin veneers often need no shaping of the teeth.

Improved appearance and restored confidence: Porcelain veneers can help individuals with dental flaws such as teeth that are crooked, discolored, or have small gaps between them. Veneers dramatically change a person’s smile and, in the process, help improve self-confidence.

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And now the cons of porcelain veneers.

Artificiality: Although they look realistic, porcelain veneers are artificial teeth, which may be a problem for those desiring a more natural solution to their dental problem.

High cost: Veneers, especially porcelain veneers, are expensive. Each veneer can range anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500. When that gets multiplied with the number of teeth that needs veneering, it becomes a costly investment.

Fragility: Although porcelain veneers are relatively tough, they are not impervious to any chipping orbreaking when exposed to excessive impact or force, e.g. teeth grinding, eating hard foods, and the like. Repairing or replacing veneers then becomes an expensive endeavor.

Permanence: When it’s done, there’s no going back.

Teeth sensitivity: Since the veneering procedure requires the removal of enamel, your tooth may become more sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages.

You may not be candidate: If you have unhealthy teeth (for example, those with decay or active periodontal disease), weakened teeth (as a result of decay, fracture, large dental fillings), have an inadequate amount of existing enamel on the tooth surface, or suffer from bruxism (teeth clenching).


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