HomeWHYWhy California Sucks

Why California Sucks

I don’t regret living in California, because it is truly a beautiful place and the weather truly is beautiful. In southern California near the ocean, anyway. It was nice to experience and I’m glad I was here to see the truth about what is really happening. However, after experiencing California, and after much thought and research, it would be regretful and foolish to stay here. It is simply not sustainable anymore and the quality is quickly degrading.

Honestly, if I could be free from extremely high taxes, massive immigration problems, extreme housing costs, increasing crime, and out of control legislative oppression, I would stay in California. I could deal with the flaky people. Without all those other issues, there would be no better place to be.

But realistically, that simply isn’t going to happen. Not anytime soon, anyway. The fantasy ideal of California has become but a fantasy, a distant memory, an emotional feeling that you can feel when you think about it or step outside ignorantly, but quickly forget when the first of the month comes around, or tax season comes around, or you look at your neighborhood, or you look at your paycheck, or you look at the fact you have no paycheck, or you realize you can’t buy a house unless you’re really stupid and think you can, or when your children become degraded both morally and psychologically from the political and cultural climate.

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In fact, it’s quite amusing to hear people talk about how they love California, all their reasons will be because the weather is good, or because it’s good because of the nice weather, or because the sun is shining and the weather is nice, or because it’s warm outside because the weather is nice, or some other derivative of “the weather is nice”. This is because the only real benefit of living in California is because of the weather. That and the emotional ideal itself of “living in California”. There really isn’t any other reason.

California is on one of the steepest declines in quality of living in the nation. Taxes, housing, and immigration are some of the primary factors contributing to this decline. Whereas California has historically been a coveted and highly desired place to be, from both native Californians and other-staters alike for the past many decades, this is no longer the case.

However, it is true that there are still some happy Californians, but I believe that this is because they are either not aware of what has been happening in this formerly glorious state during the past decade and how it is affecting them and is going to affect them in the coming years; or because they are young and not yet directly impacted by the terrible changes in this state; or because they are older, probably a homeowner from the good days, and not directly impacted by the changes (yet) for a variety of reasons, or refuse to admit it even to themselves because they do not want to uproot their lives.

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This is not just my own opinion. People are fleeing the state in droves, and the exodus is so great that few native Californians are left, and the massive influx of foreign immigrants masks the utter severity of the issue. Over 600,000 people are leaving California each year.

Articles about people fleeing California are a dime a dozen, every news agency is regularly talking about it. It has become so accepted and well known that the news are now talking about which states are best to move to, taking it as a given that people are fleeing and looking for an alternative.

Here are the top ten reasons why this is happening, why you should leave California if you are here, and why you should not come to California if you are thinking about it. You missed the boat, it sailed 8 years ago. California is no longer the place to be, and here are the top ten reasons why.

10 California People Are Notorious Flakes

California People Are Notorious Flakes

9 California Legislation Is a Joke and It’s Not Funny

California Legislation Is a Joke and It

8 California’s Education System Is Awful and Only Getting Worse


7 California Forces Liberal Ideologies Down People’s Throats. Literally.

California Forces Liberal Ideologies Down People

6 California Crime Rates Are Continuing To Increase

California Crime Rates Are Continuing To Increase

5 California Is Terrible for Small Business

California Is Terrible for Small Business

4 California Unemployment Is One Of The Worst In The Nation

California Unemployment Is One Of The Worst In The Nation

3 California Taxes Are Outrageously and Ridiculously High

California Taxes Are Outrageously and Ridiculously High

2 California Immigration Problem is Out Of Control

California Immigration Problem is Out Of Control

1 California Housing Prices Are Out Of Control

California Housing Prices Are Out Of Control

Independently, each one of the items I might be willing to sacrifice for the sake of living in a beautiful and gorgeous place like southern California by the beach. However, it isn’t just one or two items. It is many items combined seeping into every area of your life. The top three combined make California a wholly undesirable place to live. Every time I step outside and enjoy the perfect, beautiful weather, I try to find reasons to stay, but when I am honest with myself, it would be very foolish to do so.

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Sure, this summer has been exceptionally humid in California, and this last week has been very hot, up to 100 degrees! Which is totally unheard of here. However, still, this is the exception rather than the rule. Moreover, the humidity is nothing compared to the east coast, even at its worst here. However, let’s reiterate that the sole and primary reason to stay is for the weather. That and the good Mexican food and fresh fruits. However, there are other places with good Mexican food and fresh fruits. Hence, the weather is the only real reason to stay, and that alone is not a smart reason to live in a place.

Even if you are extremely wealthy, California is no longer a place to live, but a place to get away and vacation. Unless of course you like throwing away your wealth. I certainly don’t. Worse, if you are poor or middle class, you absolutely should not come to California! At least if you are wealthy, you can survive, although California will try to bleed you for all you have. Even if you are wealthy, California is not sustainable. But if you are not wealthy, California is totally and utterly unsustainable.

Do you live in California? Were you thinking of moving to California? Want to share your experiences? Concur or disagree? Share your thoughts below.

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