Why Can’t I Be Normal

Getting back to “normal” is different for everyone. You may even want to explore if you want to go back to how things used to be.

If you’re living with a mental health condition, you may want to talk with a professional. As you work through your symptoms, your sense of being “off” may decrease with time.

If you’re feeling different for other reasons, such as significant life changes or existential exploration, you may benefit from self-awareness exercises and life coaching support.

In either case, working through this feeling is possible.

Consider a self-care routine

Depending on why you’re not feeling like yourself, you may have a challenging time keeping up with balanced eating, exercise, and sleep, says Manly.

“In order to heal and find yourself again, it’s essential to foster healthy, basic habits that support mental and physical health,” she advises.

This could include:

  • connecting with friends and family
  • practicing self-compassion
  • eating nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods (if accessible)
  • meditation practice
  • regular exercise
  • sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night
  • spending time in nature
  • engaging in self-soothing and grounding exercises

Try reflective activities

If possible, try to incorporate some activities that allow you to experience quiet moments and go inward, such as journaling or creating art, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

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“Running away or avoiding difficult feelings just pushes them off for now. It can be painful to grieve, for example, but it is a necessary process,” says Jessica Myszak, a psychologist in Glenview, Illinois.

“It can be helpful for people to take some time to really feel and connect with their emotions. Spending time doing the things that are comfortable for you can give you the space to do this,” she adds.

Reach out for support

You don’t have to do this all by yourself. It can be helpful to talk with a therapist to better understand and work through your feelings.

“A good therapist can provide a listening ear but also help you notice patterns which may not be helping you. They can also guide you in ways to make small changes to enhance your well-being,” says Myszak.

Asking for help or a listening ear from a trusted person might also help you explore your emotions and thoughts. It could also assist in reconnecting with some aspects of yourself.

A support group could help

Others can relate to what you’re going through. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) might offer a support group in your area.

If you’re navigating grief, your local hospice chapter may have in-person or online support groups as well.

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