HomeWHYWhy Can't I Be Pretty

Why Can’t I Be Pretty

Pretty is a judgment sort of word, there is no one definition of it. I’m hearing that you are trying to do the things that will get others to say that you’re pretty, or that other people will find pleasing.

But what about you? What other word would you like to use to describe yourself? Because in addition to the word “pretty”, there is the word beautiful.

I see beauty in the little wrinkles around an older person’s eye, the lines around their mouth that forms after decades of smiling kindly to others. I love seeing people who can sit by themselves and radiate peace and self-happiness as they sit and read a book by the trees, or the most gorgeous thing – a person grinning and laughing heartily at their pet as they take a walk on a cool afternoon.

Smells, and lotions and makeup are fine things to play around with, but even more fulfilling is learning how to be friends with your own body. To appreciate your strength or gracefulness, or quickness of your feet, or the sturdiness of your stance.

What I’m also hearing is that you are friends with people you see as gorgeous, amazing smelling. And these are people are friends with you – they must like you just as you are, and accept you for that.

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the world is filled with billions of people. Different cultures and values, different standards of beauty, we’re also at a time in the world where people advocate that we find our own space and our own voice and identity with these fun tools like clothes, air, makeup, etc. The world is HUGE, larger than what the people at your school or community think. Find what makes you happy. Find what makes you feel comfortable and confident. You can’t make the world happy sometimes, but we can all work to make ourselves a bit happier, and be a bit kinder to ourselves.

so do what makes you feel pretty. Not because you compare yourself to a picture. Things online are NOT real- there are professionals who change and edit most pictures online, there blur and hide and crop and distort bodies in pictures. Most of those people we see in the magazines and pics? they don’t exist.

People don’t have crushes based on looks alone. You have a whole personality, interesting thoughts, hobbies, skills and talents that make you up as a person.

One of my fave people on the internet said: the skin is only like 10millimeters deep. Yet we spend so much time, money, effort and mental energy focusing on this layer of skin. Our beautiful skin holds everything in place, protects us, keeps us healthy, keeps us safe. I hope that you find the ways to start enjoying parts of yourself, and to feel proud of the wonderful job your body is doing to house your wonderful mind/spirit/soul/personality.

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you matter, and you have worth. you don’t have to earn that value.


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