Why Did Chris Adler Leave Lamb Of God

We are quickly approaching two years since Chris Adler announced his departure from Lamb of God. For the most part, both sides have been diplomatic after the split. Previously, Adler has said “We’ve spent 26 years in a bus, a train, a plane. There’s not much left to talk about. We’ve explored our friendships to the fullest.” But, in a recent interview, Adler noted he was not having a good time at the end of his tenure with Lamb of God.

Speaking to the MetalSucks Quarantinecast, Adler said the last few months in LOG were pretty toxic. The topic came up when discussing his new project, Firstborne, and how it all came about. Adler discussed working with his current guitarist, shred master Hugh Myrone and how it was a total change of pace from Lamb of God.

Adler said “Now [discovering Myrone’s music] didn’t necessarily start us off into a process of making music together. Shortly after that was kind of my departure from Lamb where it’s like, well I’m not leaving this ’cause I don’t want to play music and I’m not leaving this ’cause I don’t want to play the kind of music Lamb is playing. I’m leaving this ’cause… it’s just toxic. Everywhere. Everything. And I’ve got to be a better father, husband, person than what this is dragging me into.”

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Adler went on to say that when he and Myrone started collaborating, Myrone asked that the music be “fun” and Adler understood exactly what he meant. “I’m not doing this for a popularity contest. I always want to have fun doing this. And we did in Lamb of God for a very long time but it got bogged down in everything else and what we’re supposed to do and who we supposedly are. I love this idea about stretching it out.”

Adler compared Lamb of God to “frown town” and his new project, Firstborne, to “fun town” saying “There’s a lot of hate [from fans] like, ‘Oh my god, you left Lamb of God for this, what the fuck is this?’ It’s like, ‘Uhh… fun?’ Like… I’m just living my life with a smile. Because before it was like frown-town all the time. Like what the hell is going on here, we don’t know what the hell is going on, hopefully everybody beats the shit out of each other and we just get a check. So you know, it’s just time for me as an adult to kind of move on.”

You can listen to the entire interview below. Are you digging the music of Firstborne?

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