HomeWHYWhy Did Gypsy Rose Mom Go To Jail

Why Did Gypsy Rose Mom Go To Jail

  • In the most recent episode of The Act, Dee Dee Blanchard is shown being arrested for writing a bad check.
  • In reality, this never happened, but Dee Dee’s family claim that she did write bad checks.
  • It’s also speculated that Dee Dee played a role in her mother’s death and tried to poison her stepmom.

The Act on Hulu has shown Dee Dee Blanchard doing plenty of criminal things, like shoplifting and even medically, physically, and emotionally abusing her daughter Gypsy, as a result of her Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

But in the latest episode (episode six, which dropped Wednesday night), viewers see another crime that Dee Dee apparently committed and even went to jail for: writing bad checks.

The scene in question starts off with Dee Dee at home with her mother, Emma Pitre, and baby Gypsy Rose when there’s a knock on the door. It’s the police telling Dee Dee they have to arrest her. “The county attorney’s charging you with felony check fraud.” Dee Dee seems to know what they’re talking about: “Well, I might’ve written a check without knowing, but I can clear this up,” she says.

“A bad check from your grandpa’s checkbook? He’s pressing charges,” the cop says, before taking away Dee Dee in handcuffs.

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Later, in a courthouse scene, Dee Dee received her sentence: “six months in jail, 60 days credit for time served, plus full restitution.” So, uh, yikes—but did any of that really happen?

So, did Dee Dee really go to jail?

Turns out, the real story is a little more complicated. There aren’t actually any public records of Dee Dee having committed any crimes. But her family has made several claims about her shady activity, like writing bad checks, committing credit card fraud and stealing. Of course, it’s been well documented that she also stole from charities since the donations were made to help with Gypsy’s conditions, which weren’t real.

As for other supposed crimes, Dee Dee’s family has also claimed that she may have slowly starved her mother, Emma Pitre, to death, which The Act also suggests. Dee Dee’s stepmom, Laura Pitre, also claimed in the HBO documentary Mommy Dead and Dearest that Dee Dee tried to poison her with weed killer.

“I think Dee Dee’s problem was she started a web of lies, and there was no escaping after,” Dee Dee’s ex, and Gypsy’s father, Rod Blanchard, told Buzzfeed. “She got so wound up in it, it was like a tornado got started, and then once she was in so deep there was no escaping. One lie had to cover another lie, had to cover another lie, and that was her way of life.”

Dee Dee’s family hasn’t offered much in form of support for Dee Dee since her murder. Her father, Claude Pitre, said in the documentary that she “got what she deserved” when she was murdered by Gypsy’s boyfriend Nick Godejohn in June 2015. The family said they flushed Dee Dee’s ashes down the toilet after she was cremated because no one wanted them. Oof.

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The family seems to be supportive of Gypsy though, who will be up for parole for her mother’s murder in 2023.


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