Why Did Kelee Ringo Drop

The NFL Draft is a place where dreams can come true. However, as Kelee Ringo experienced, It is also a place where life-changing plot twists can leave players questioning everything they’ve ever done. For those players who have sweat, toiled, and gone all-in on getting to the league, the NFL Draft could feel like a firing squad.

Cornerback Kelee Ringo felt these sensations as the first two days of drafting passed and the cornerback still had no job. At this point, before throwing the baby out with the bathwater, he and fans of the cornerback are currently searching for answers. Why did this happen?

He ended up getting drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in the 4th round but it was quite late than many expected. Was it injury concerns or is it that his talent simply hasn’t lived up to the hype in the eyes of general managers?

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When it comes to injury concerns, the player appears to have none. According to the Athens Banner-Herald, his agent said in a text message that there were “no medical concerns” at all.

Kelee Ringo injury history:

In 2020, according to NFL Draft Lounge, the cornerback had an offseason surgery to repair a torn labrum. However, since then, he’s not missed a game.

Kelee Ringo at 2023 Combine

He has been listed as a player with several pros to his game. From a purely athletic standpoint, Ringo serves as one of the best entering the league. In a class with Anthony Richardson, that is something to behold. He also has excellent awareness and coordination with the football.

However, the cornerback isn’t invincible. He struggles in contested catches and in contact at the line of scrimmage. He also struggles in the middle of the field at times. In professional football, where wide receivers rarely get wide-open looks, being at a disadvantage in contested catch situations could prove deadly.

In other words, he can be seen right now as a player that can keep up with everyone, but might fold if tested. Opponents will quickly key in on him if that’s the case. It will be interpreting to see if the Eagles will be able to develop Kelee Ringo well considering his injuries.

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