HomeWHYThe Mysterious Fall of Lucifer: Unveiling the Truth

The Mysterious Fall of Lucifer: Unveiling the Truth

We all know the story of Lucifer’s fall from heaven, described in Revelation 12. It tells of a war between good and evil angels. However, there is a fascinating twist to this tale that comes from the visions of Venerable Mary of Agreda, a seventeenth-century Spanish nun.

In her book, “The Mystical City of God,” Sister Mary delves deeper into the story of Lucifer’s rebellion. While her writings are considered private revelations and not part of the official deposit of faith, they offer intriguing insights.

The Creation

According to Sister Mary, the earth was created with space for hell and purgatory beneath its surface. In the instant of creation, the angels were also brought into existence. Lucifer, the most intellectually gifted and beautiful of them all, became consumed with pride. He attributed his gifts to himself rather than acknowledging God’s role in bestowing them.

Lucifer’s Rebellion

God then revealed His plan to create humans and instructed the angels to serve and assist them. Additionally, God announced that He would become incarnate and be adored in His human form, alongside His creation. This proposition infuriated Lucifer. He refused to serve or worship a lesser being or accept God becoming human. Lucifer rallied other angels to his rebellion, vowing to establish his own kingdom separate from God’s.

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The Heavenly Vision

Adding insult to injury, God unveiled a sign in heaven: a Woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. This Woman was destined to become the mother of God Himself. Lucifer spewed blasphemies, vowing to destroy the human race and persecute this Woman.

God responded by revealing that this Woman would crush Lucifer’s head through the grace bestowed upon her. He allowed all the angels to witness the immense graces He had given her. The good angels were filled with awe, but the bad angels only grew more enraged, pledging to destroy humanity.

Sister Mary equates the Woman’s vision with the promise of the rainbow, symbolizing God’s mercy towards humanity. She explains that the Woman represents the human race, and through her, mankind would regain the graces lost through sin.

The War in Heaven

A fierce war unfolded between the good angels led by Michael and the rebellious angels led by Lucifer. During the confrontation, Lucifer expressed his arrogance, declaring himself superior to the human nature and demanding reverence. In response, Michael rebuked him and acknowledged the Woman as their Queen and Lady.

Ultimately, Michael and the good angels emerged victorious. The defeated rebels, including Lucifer, were cast into hell, situated in the middle of the earth.

God’s Declaration

God declared that only those who humbly follow Christ, practicing virtue, forgiveness, and self-denial, could enter His kingdom. The reign of Christ had begun, and He alone held the key to heaven. The angels who faithfully served in the plan of salvation would also be honored and crowned for all eternity.

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The Deception of Adam and Eve

Interestingly, Lucifer was unaware of the true identity of the Woman. He believed that Eve was the Woman from the heavenly vision and sought to lead her astray. Little did he know that Mary, born thousands of years later, would be the Woman destined to crush his head. The irony lies in the fact that the great deceiver himself was deceived by his own pride.

The revelations of Venerable Mary of Agreda offer a unique perspective on the fall of Lucifer. While her writings are not part of the official teachings, they provide a thought-provoking exploration of this celestial drama.


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