Why Did Matt And Jacqui Granite Divorce

It’s almost time for Matt Granite’s live segment on WKYC’s morning show.

He runs into the studio, jumps over cables and dodges the aim of cameras filming co-anchors Maureen Kyle and John Anderson. He takes his place between them during the commercial break and then launches into Matt’s Daily Deals on cue.

Granite jumps up and down shaking a pair of stainless steel tumblers like a set of maracas.

“In all of our tests, these tumblers kept beverages hot or cold five times longer than anything else on the market,” says the 33-year-old, his voice rising and falling in both pitch and pace.

He claps, points and gestures wildly to make his point: Today’s deal is a steal — these tumblers outperform all competitors and are about half off.

It’s hard to put a price on Granite and his eagerness to save money. As the Deal Guy, finding bargains started long before the Canadian began appearing on WKYC and filming content for more than 40 affiliate stations. He never pays for shipping, frequently clips coupons and hasn’t paid for cable in more than a decade.

But even if you don’t watch or listen to local news, chances are you’ll be seeing Granite soon. In the last few years, his reach has expanded to YouTube, where his channel has nearly a half-million subscribers. And since February, he has co-hosted an Amazon Live show reviewing products on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

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Still, what you’re seeing on air is just the icing. Granite spends a whole lot more time baking the cake. “People don’t know I put six months of research in for each product,” he says.

Using an algorithm he developed 10 years ago, Granite finds the lowest prices and keeps track of sales patterns. He knows the locations of warehouses across the country, frequently calling them to check on inventory, guaranteeing there’s enough stock of each product so it won’t sell out after his first segment airs at 4:55 a.m. He also makes sure the company’s website won’t crash from the increased traffic.

“What I do is months of testing, checking consumer customer responses, looking at the infrastructure of a website,” says Granite.

That level of commitment — Granite wakes up at 3 a.m. and works 18-hour days — and knowledge is hard to replicate. By being authentic, quirky and most of all trustworthy, he’s earned hard-won buy-in from viewers.

“Other stations have tried to do what he does,” says WKYC’s morning executive producer Jennifer Jordan. “But they can’t figure out how to keep product in stock.”

It’s why the camera operator raves about the money she’s saving thanks to Granite, who suggested she try Amazon Prime Pantry, or why Kyle stops by to ask which MacBook she should buy next (the Pro, Granite recommends).

“A lot of people think I’m doing this to sell,” he says. “I’m in this to save. I live and breathe my deals. I try to operate on the side of the consumer — [not] bring that next sucker into the store.”

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