The Mysterious Fate of Allen the Alien in Invincible Season 2

The latest episode of Prime Video’s ‘Invincible’ Season 2 left viewers in suspense as they witnessed the shocking and brutal demise of fan-favorite character Allen the Alien. His unexpected death raises many questions about his fate and leaves fans eagerly anticipating what comes next. Let’s dive into the details. SPOILERS AHEAD

Allen the Alien Might Not be Dead Just Yet

Although Allen is one of the universe’s strongest beings, he is no match for the Viltrumites. When three Viltrumites attack him, it appears that his end is near. With his arms ripped off and his intestines floating in space, any other character would have met their ultimate demise. However, Allen manages to survive, albeit barely hanging on.

In his final appearance, Allen is shown in a coma, surrounded by what seems to be an incubator. Despite his critical condition, the fact that he still has vital signs indicates that he possesses an unimaginable level of resilience. However, the plot takes a twisted turn when Thaedus, leader of the Coalition of Planets, switches off Allen’s life support while offering an apology.

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At first glance, it appears that Thaedus, who had assigned Allen the task of finding a mole within their organization, is responsible for his demise. This theory gains traction due to the suspicious timing of Allen’s death and the fact that the Viltrumites seem to always be one step ahead. The existence of a mole is further supported when the Viltrumites arrive, armed with information that only Allen had recently shared with the Coalition. But is Thaedus truly the mole and Allen’s killer?

Invincible Season 2 Uses Thaedus as a Red Herring

In the ‘Invincible’ comics, Allen plays a vital role in defeating the Viltrumites, which makes his premature demise in the show all the more shocking. To some extent, this plot twist may be merely for shock value. Cliffhangers have proven to be effective tools for keeping audiences engaged, and ‘Invincible’ employs this technique with Allen the Alien.

However, considering the comic’s storyline, this is not the end for Allen. In fact, he is destined to emerge even stronger after facing these extreme challenges. In the show, Thaedus cryptically remarks to Telia that Allen’s survival, despite the brutal beating from the Viltrumites, is a “cause for celebration.” While it might appear as a consolation to Telia, knowing their special bond, when viewed in the context of the comics, this statement suggests that Thaedus is aware of Allen’s potential for recovery and growth.

In a surprising twist, Thaedus is revealed to be a Viltrumite himself, one of the first to defect when his people devised their plan for universal domination. He founded the Coalition of Planets and played a vital role in Allen’s creation. This knowledge renders Thaedus more familiar with Allen’s capabilities than Allen himself. He understands that keeping Allen in stasis, reliant on life support, would only impede his healing process. By switching off the life support, Thaedus triggers Allen’s innate healing abilities, which will not only accelerate his recovery but also grant him the power needed to confront the Viltrumites.

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The fate of Allen the Alien hangs in the balance, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating the next episode of ‘Invincible’ Season 2. Will Allen emerge stronger than ever and fulfill his destiny? Only time will tell.

Read More: What is Shadowverse in Invincible, Explained

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