Why Do Asians Have Big Calves

Attractive calves are desirable to people of all cultures. Unfortunately, thick, short, and overly muscular calves, a condition known as “radish calves” or “radish legs,” are more common in Asian women.

A large calf may be considered an aesthetic problem by women who find it awkward to wear certain clothes like short skirts or swimsuits. Bulky calves can also make the legs look shorter, and short height is a common point of employment discrimination in the Orient. Popular Asian media seems so obsessed with long, thin legs that computer-manipulated ads not uncommonly appear comically distorted. The calf contains three main muscles: the medial gastrocnemius (back of the calf towards the leg’s inner side), the lateral gastrocnemius (back of the calf towards the leg’s outer side), and the soleus (located underneath the gastrocnemius muscles). All three muscles play important roles in standing, walking, running, and jumping, although the soleus muscle can make up for some of the functional loss that comes with damage to the gastrocnemius muscles. A number of calf reduction methods exist, from simple to “extreme.” The most advanced techniques are practiced mainly in Korea, China, and Taiwan, while American doctors emphasize methods that are much simpler but also much less effective.

Surgery that destroys nerves and muscle remains controversial even in Asia, where in a few countries they are forbidden by law. Surgical results after even the most aggressive techniques are usually subtle.Here is a list of the calf reduction methods:

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Calf Reduction by Liposuction

If thick calves are caused by excessive accumulation of fat, liposuction can help to reshape them. More commonly, however, the underlying cause is genetically overdeveloped muscles.

While effective on the legs of plump Westerners, liposuction is only minimally helpful in removing bulk from the legs of Asians since muscle rather than fat accounts for their excess.

Calf Reduction by BOTOX

Injection of BOTOX ® Cosmetic works by paralyzing the nerves supplying the calf muscles and causing the gastrocnemius muscles to shrink, or atrophy. To effect even a tiny reduction in calf diameter requires that a large amount of BOTOX be injected repeatedly at intervals of three months. After the initial three treatments, most patients note a slight improvement that lasts 6-9 months. Reduction in calf circumference may be hard to measure but the weakened muscle appears less prominent. Although recommended by some American surgeons, most Asian doctors feel BOTOX reduction is ineffective and mostly abandoned the procedure years ago. Some doctors claims that continued use will eventually lead to longer lasting effects and even permanent reduction. Unfortunately, this claim makes little medical sense and is not backed up by any scientific studies.

The only advantage of BOTOX calf reduction is that it is minimally invasive. Initial and recurring costs can be very high.

Calf Reduction by NeurectomySurgically severing the nerve to the medial gastrocnemius muscle is a quick operation that will induce gradual shrinkage of the medial gastrocnemius muscle.

Although the circumference of the calf may be reduced approximately 0-3 cm (fairly insignificant), the precise location and amount of that reduction are unpredictable. Over time, the other calf muscles (lateral gastrocnemius and soleus) can hypertrophy or overdevelop to compensate for the lost muscle function, an effect that may result in a bowing-out and unevenness in calf contour.

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Finally, the risk of injuring the nerves to the calf’s other two muscles is high and can result in a gait disturbance.

Calf Reduction by Muscle ResectionTotal Excision:Surgical removal of the entire medial gastrocnemius muscle causes full loss of function, is painful, and can lead to trouble walking.

As with nerve resection (neurectomy) the remaining lateral gastrocnemius and soleus muscles will enlarge to try to compensate for lost muscle function.

Partial Muscle Resection:

Selective muscular resection can result in significant reduction in calf circumference from between 3 and 7 cm. Both gastrocnemius muscles (medial and lateral) and the soleus muscle beneath them are thinned not by total removal but rather by sculpting it down piece by piece. While most resection is done on the medial gastrocnemius muscle, the lateral gastrocnemius and soleus muscle may also be slimmed to achieve the best result. While many experienced surgeons feel this is the procedure of choice for Asian calf reduction, the procedure is far from risk-free. In contrast to neurectomy, partial muscle resection allows for more precision since the location and amount of reduction is more controllable. It is the only treatment that can help bowing of the legs (other treatments may worsen bowing). Endoscopic-assisted surgery is performed under either spinal or general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours. Scarring from the incision behind the knee (•••) is slightly greater than with other methods and healing can be slower. Normal calf strength may not be regained for up to a year. Risks include asymmetry, permanent nerve injury, and pain during walking. Compensatory hypertrophy is not usually much of a problem. Partial muscle resection does not need to be repeated. In comparison, BOTOX injections may cost significantly more in the long run while yielding little improvement. Western doctors have almost no experience with this procedure

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Calf Reduction with Radiofrequency

Radio-frequency energy can be used on the gastocnemius muscle complex to cause localized destruction of tissue within the calf for the purpose of reducing excess bulk and contouring shape. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation. Radiorequency current is applied directly to the muscle at selected locations. The RF energy causes “coagulation necrosis,” or tissue liquifaction and death. Recovery is relatively rapid. Most patients are able to resume non-strenuous activity within a few days to one week. Functional disability with walking, running, or jumping is not common after healing but such activities may feel painful. The change in calf circumference can vary from 0-6 cm depending upon the number of areas treated and the amount of RF energy applied. Reduction of muscle volume is not fully predictable or controllable. As with neurectomy, compensatory hypertrophy of remaining muscle may occur over time.Source: asianplasticsurgeryguide, image#1 , image #2More information on: Oz cosmetic clinic, the grand narrativeFor the Calf reduction by muscle resection you need minimun 2 weeks or recovery and may need to relearn how to walk.

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