Why Do Babies Pinch While Going To Sleep

My baby is pinching me for comfort, what can I do? Baby pinching is not uncommon and this question is often asked by new parents. Here we go through some gentle techniques to help stop your baby pinching while breastfeeding, while falling asleep or just for comfort.

Baby Pinching

Baby’s pinch for a variety of reasons and it is certainly not uncommon for baby pinching while breast feeding or cuddling.

Many babies pinch while nursing especially, and a baby pinching while falling asleep is common too.

Most of the time baby’s pinch for comfort but it can be very uncomfortable and painful for parents especially when your baby pinches while feeding.

It is important to note that when babies are young they cannot understand that what they are doing is hurting you, and don’t know they are doing anything wrong.

There are some gentle techniques to distract your little one and stop baby pinching though to help. We go through these ways below.

How to stop baby pinching

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Here are a few gentle ways to stop your baby pinching.

Say no every time your baby pinches

A simple way to stop baby pinching is to say no every time it happens. Of course a newborn won’t understand but this is for older babies. You can say no while either removing their hand or you can also guide their hands into a gentle stroke on your skin instead of a pinch.

Other things you can say are “gentle”, “no we don’t pinch, we are gentle with mummy/daddy”.

Hold your baby’s hand when they start pinching

Sometimes baby’s don’t realise they are pinching. If you simple hold their hand gently while they are pinching, they won’t be able to pinch you.

You can place your thumb between their fingers so they are holding your hand. This can also be a sweet bonding experience if your baby is pinching while breastfeeding too.

Give babies something to hold when they start pinching

If your baby has something to hold then they aren’t able to pinch. Sometimes they just need something in their hand to be distracted.

If you can give them a toy or even your hand as mentioned above, it can sometimes be enough for them so they feel comforted.

Ignore the baby pinching

While baby pinching when breastfeeding or in general can be annoying, if it isn’t hurting you and isn’t causing you too much of a problem, you can simply ignore it and they may stop on their own.

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Baby pinching should eventually stop

Baby pinching while breastfeeding is common for younger babies. As is a baby pinching while falling asleep This is because when babies are younger, especially newborns, they aren’t able to understand what they are doing, therefore they wont know that their behaviour hurting anyone.

By using the techniques above to stop baby pinching for comfort as they get older they should outgrow it as they start to understand.

In the meantime, distraction is key, to stop your baby pinching, simply keeping their little hands away from where they can pinch you.

Read Next:

  • Fevers in baby when to worry
  • How to help a baby with wind
  • What to do when baby pulls hair
  • Signs of baby intelligence

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