HomeWHYWhy Do Basset Hounds Stink

Why Do Basset Hounds Stink

basset hound smell

Our bassets are most certainly our best assets, but there are occasions where you are exposed to just how stinky these hounds can be. Here is more information about how to deal with the basset hound smell!

Why does my basset hound smell?

Basset hounds are a breed with a lot of loose skin, big ears and lots of energy. It’s no wonder that they can get worked up into a sweat easily and be susceptible to a little basset hound odor.

A lot of this is due to the hound coat, which is slick and is naturally stays oily.

This harks back to when the basset worked outside as a hunting hound on a regular basis. This trait is useful for getting rain to glide straight off their coats.

These days it can be less of a desirable trait. Our hounds spend a lot of time with family indoors.As a result this can be prone to a little excess smell from time to time.

As a result this can be prone to a little excess smell from time to time.

Droopy skin, smells within

You’ve got the iconic ears that can easily get dipped into food bowls and have plenty of loose skin to collect bacteria and other nastiness within.

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Top this off with the big jowls that are capable of sending slobber across the room. It’s easy to see why the basset is such a messy beast at times.

These areas can often be prone to infestations of basset hound smells if left unchecked by the nature of the hound anatomy.

There’s a few things you can do to reduce this as much as possible.

Stay checked up

Due to these traits, the basset can be prone to infections at times. Be sure to keep your basset regularly checked over by a vet. As well, be sure to take the occasional basset bath as appropriate.

If you suspect or smell anything is particularly out of order, it’s always worth getting a second opinion.

We all know how bassets can be prone to venturing off on their own on walks and picking up something unsavory.

The mouth area is quite open to bacterial infection at times. Keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary here. Dental checkups are essential and will ensure nothing gets too out of hand.

Basset hound bath time

Use your best judgement for how often you bath your basset! You don’t want to run the risk of causing dry skin. This will affect the oiliness that naturally comes with the coat and cause other issues.

Use an appropriate dog shampoo, we’ll list a few that we like a little later on. Clean the ears but don’t get too abrasive or deep. Other areas of attention will be the doggy armpits and anywhere else where skin droops.

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When you are done, make sure you dry your hound out thoroughly, paying particular attention to the ears and any flaps of skin where the sun can’t reach too easily!

Your aim here is to prevent any further dampness or issues that can arise from excess moisture gathering. A thorough bath can go a long way to reducing basset hound smell for the time being.

The diet factor

If washing doesn’t seem to be doing much good to relieve the basset hound smell at least somewhat, you may want to pay attention to your basset’s diet.

Some dog owners report that making alterations to their pet’s diet makes a difference in a big way. This can be due to allergies or other underlying issues.

We’ve had quite a few reports that trying a grain-free diet may be the solution if you are finding that regular bathing and dental hygiene isn’t making a difference.

It’s worth researching and trying out some different diets if you find the scent is somewhat overwhelming.

Basset hygiene products

Here’s a quick list of some basset hound products that genuinely help alleviate basset hound smell. They’re things that we’ve used in the past with our basset and found them to be a great help!

Take a read of the descriptions and see if any of these may be able to help in any way.

If you’re unsure, please do consult your vet before using!


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