Why Do Cats Bite Blankets

Your cat is quite an accomplished kneading machine. In fact, cats’ kneading behavior is often called “making biscuits,” as it looks like they’re methodically kneading biscuit dough.

Cats knead for a variety of reasons, most of which are harmless and quite entertaining. However, in certain cases, kneading might indicate a developing health problem. Your veterinarian can identify the cause of the cat’s behavior and determine whether you should worry about it.

Why Do Cats Knead and Lick You?

Cats lick for multiple reasons, and most of them are just part of normal feline behavior. For starters, your cat may be expressing affection or simply showing the world that you belong in his family group. Or, maybe he just likes the scent of your shampoo or the taste of your perspiration.

Your clever cat may have also figured out that his licking behavior gets your attention. If he thinks he’s being ignored, he may launch into a licking frenzy so you’ll focus on him rather than the TV or the computer.

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However, your cat’s licking behavior could be a form of stress relief. Maybe his normal routine has somehow been disrupted. Perhaps you have an unusually large number of visitors or you recently started a noisy home remodeling project. Regardless of the source, the commotion may be causing your sensitive cat to develop anxiety. Licking may be his way of calming down.

Finally, a medical issue can trigger your cat’s licking behavior. Maybe he has recently taken up this practice for the first time. Alternatively, maybe he’s an occasional licker who has suddenly started licking everything in sight. Either way, he may have developed a medical issue that needs investigation. By performing some diagnostics, your veterinarian can figure out the problem and develop a treatment plan.

Why Do Cats Knead on Your Chest?

Kneading helps your cat to activate his paws’ scent glands. When he kneads on an object, he marks it with his scent. In other words, he claims it as his own. When your cat kneads on your chest, he’s telling other cats and dogs to keep their paws off his cherished possession. Your cat also probably finds the kneading sensation very pleasurable.

Why Do Cats Knead and Bite Blankets?

When your cat kneads and bites on a blanket, he is recreating the experiences of his kittenhood. From his perspective, chewing on the blanket is like nuzzling his mother when feeding. The behavior may also indicate that he was weaned off his mother too early. Whether or not that’s true, kneading behavior is believed to be very calming for many adult cats.

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Why is My Male Cat Kneading and Biting Me?

Your male cat’s kneading behavior is probably normal. However, if he has recently started biting you as well, this is a definite behavioral change you shouldn’t ignore. Your cat may be in pain or under stress.

Your Ballantrae Plaza Veterinary Clinic veterinarian can figure out what’s behind your cat’s sudden behavioral change. Call (905) 642-3349 today to schedule an appointment.

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