HomeWHYWhy Cats Drink Out Of The Toilet: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Feline...

Why Cats Drink Out Of The Toilet: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Feline Behavior


We all know that cats can be quite mysterious creatures. One of their peculiar behaviors involves drinking water from the toilet bowl instead of their own designated water bowls. But why do they prefer this unusual water source? Let’s dive into the feline mind to understand this behavior more.

Freshness Matters


Believe it or not, some cats find the water in the toilet fresher than the water in their bowls. Think about it from their perspective – water that has been sitting in a regular bowl for hours or even days may become stale, while the water in the toilet is constantly refreshed. It’s hard for us humans to comprehend, but freshness plays a significant role in a cat’s preference for the toilet bowl.

Rule Out Medical Issues

If your cat consistently chooses toilet water over their own water bowl, it’s essential to consider underlying health concerns. Observe if your cat is also urinating more frequently than usual. In such cases, it’s recommended to consult a veterinarian to rule out potential medical issues like diabetes or kidney disease.

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The “Fun” Factor


Cats are curious creatures, and their fascination with the toilet bowl may stem from their instinctual play behavior. The swirling water when the toilet flushes can captivate their attention, triggering their curiosity to explore further. Some exceptionally intelligent cats have even learned to flush the toilet themselves! However, if your cat’s primary source of entertainment revolves around the toilet, it may be time to evaluate their environmental enrichment.

Putting an End to the Behavior

Preventing your cat from drinking out of the toilet is about employing common sense. Always keep the toilet lid closed, even if it means reminding other family members with a friendly sign. By eliminating their access to the toilet water, you remove the temptation.

Additionally, make your cat’s regular water bowl more appealing by changing the water daily. Consider investing in a pet water fountain that keeps the water oxygenated, ensuring it stays fresh for longer periods. This can also redirect their interest in the toilet water towards the flowing water from the fountain.


Remember to wash the water bowl daily to prevent the build-up of biofilm caused by cat hair, food debris, and dirt. Maintaining a clean bowl is crucial to providing the most appealing water source for your cat.

Increasing environmental enrichment is another effective strategy. Engage in daily interactive play sessions, introduce puzzle feeders, and provide stimulating activities that divert your cat’s attention away from the toilet.

Need More Information?

For detailed guidance on increasing environmental enrichment or correcting unwanted behavior in cats, refer to the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books offer invaluable insights and strategies for understanding and improving your cat’s behavior. You can find them in bookstores or purchase them online.

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Remember, if you have any concerns about your cat’s health, always consult with your veterinarian. This article is intended to provide information and should not replace professional veterinary care.


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