HomeWHYWhy Do Frenchies Fart So Much

Why Do Frenchies Fart So Much

Frenchies have built up a bit of a reputation for their cute features and happy nature – but one thing that lots of people don’t come to realise until they have a French Bulldog of their own is how prone they are to… errr… let it go…

If your French bulldog keeps farting, it can be a little embarrassing – and you’re not alone in trying to find a solution to make life a little less smelly. Luckily we’ve got experience in this area, so here are our top tips for clearing away some of the noxious gases from your life.

Why does this breed fart so much?

Lots of people who own French Bulldogs are quick to pass the breed off as being naturally flatulent. Is this true… well, yes and no.

Frenchies come within a family of dogs with short noses (called brachycephalic breeds; the same as Pugs, Boxers and Pekingese). Because their noses are so short they literally have to inhale their food into their mouth quickly – taking in a big gulp of air with every mouthful. The problem with this is all that air eventually has to come out again – and since you’ve found your way here i’m guessing you’ve become quite familiar with how.

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So to this extent, the breed does have a natural tendency to toot. But another large cause of farting in Frenchies is actually linked to their diet – you’ve always got to remember that the quality of what you put into your dog will impact on what comes out the other end. Foods with a high dairy, wheat or grain content, or poor quality foods, will increase your dog’s natural emissions.

So now you know why it happens, let’s show you how you can help it.

Our top recommendations for reducing gassiness

(1) Slow feeder bowl

Because a large part of the flatulence of French Bulldogs is caused by gulping air when inhaling their food, one of the first things you can try is a slow-feeder bowl. By slowing your dog down, you are encouraging them to chew their food and so there is less opportunity for pockets of air to form during digestion.

You could also consider opting for smaller sized kibble. Because of the smaller surface area, there is less room for the air to get trapped during eating – which ultimately means there is less build-up during the digestive process so your dog will fart less.

(2) Wheat free food

Take a look at what food you’re currently feeding your dog. If you’re reading through the ingredients and finding a high percentage of wheat, then you could consider swapping to a wheat-free diet.

Wheat and oats are high in fibre and starch. You’ll find this in the majority of whole-grain products. Because these sorts of fibres are not easily digested, it tends to ferment in the gut and creates additional gas (sometimes leading to bloating).

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(3) Grain free food

Removing the grains from your dogs diet will also help reduce flatulence – for best results to minimise farting in your French Bulldog, go for a diet that is both grain and wheat free.

Ideally you need to be looking for a food that has a high meat content. This is because your dog’s body finds it easier to digest meat proteins compared to vegetable proteins and grains. The other benefit of this is that, in terms of quantity, you don’t have to feed as much! This can be really beneficial for helping to reduce farting in your French Bulldog by limiting the opportunity for them to inhale air when they eat.

(4) Raw food

With a French Bulldog that keeps on farting, you want to make digesting food as easy as possible – opting for a raw diet can really help with this because of just how quickly your dog’s body is able to process it. Because raw diets contain only digestible meats which your dog’s body can quickly convert into energy, not only is there less poo, but less chance for gases to ferment in your dog’s stomach.

(5) Granulated charcoal

Another way you could seek to address your dog’s flatulence is through use of charcoal. Charcoal is naturally porous which gives it a higher surface area – what this means for your Frenchie is that it helps to absorb gases and toxins in the stomach.

What happens if it doesn’t go away?

If your dog’s farting doesn’t disspate, then the other thing to consider is whether it could be health-related. Irritable bowel syndrome, stomach infections and inflammatory bowel syndrome are a few possible factors that it could be. If your Frenchie’s flatulence is becoming a bit concerning, then speak to your vet.

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