HomeWHYWhy Do Frogs Stop Croaking All Of A Sudden

Why Do Frogs Stop Croaking All Of A Sudden

Frogs are fascinating creatures, but they can also be surprisingly loud.

Although it may be tempting to pursue harsh approaches, frogs are an important part of various ecosystems.

Their wellbeing should be preserved in any way possible.

So, what could you do about loud frogs at night?

Encourage frogs to find a new home by making your property unsuitable for them, removing water bodies, reducing or eliminating food sources, or placing fake predators on your property. Prevent frogs from returning to your garden by setting up barriers and removing aspects that will attract them.

Thankfully, getting some peace, tranquility, and a solid night’s rest doesn’t have to come at a crazy cost.

It just requires a good understanding of frogs’ behaviors and some creativity.

Find out when frogs will stop croaking in your area

Stick around to find out some of the best ways you can encourage frogs to move elsewhere without causing them harm.

1. Know Which Frog Species is Making Noise at Night

Before you go ahead, it’s important to understand the frog species you’re dealing with.

Every frog species has unique behaviors, sounds, diets, and preferred environments.

Knowing what they like and dislike will give you a massive advantage in knowing what to do about their loud noises:

  • Terrestrial Frogs: Toads live on land and have dry warty skin and digits for digging
  • Aquatic Frogs: Live in water and have webbed toes for swimming
  • Arboreal Frogs: Live in trees near water and have padded toes for climbing
  • Protected Species: Some frogs are protected and cannot be disturbed in nature
  • Invasive Species: Cane Toads and Cuban Tree Frogs are invasive in some places

Learn more about different types of frogs on our blog

2. Make Sure It is Not a Protected or Invasive Species

Some frog species are endangered or invasive and may be protected by law.

If it turns out that the species is endangered or invasive, you may be able to skip the entire process by contacting your local wildlife department.

You could call one of the following numbers depending on where you are located:


Depending on the type of frog, they may tell you to do one of the following things, or they may stop by to retrieve the frogs and relocate them to a safe and suitable habitat themselves.

Most frog species do not croak all year and only actively call during mating season.

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So you may only hear the frogs for a few months out of the year, and depending on the species, they only call for a few hours per night.

3. Modify The Frogs’ Habitat

Frogs get comfortable in all sorts of environments, provided that the area ticks a few important boxes.

They need areas to reside at night, and if you can identify the spots they love most, you’ll be able to adapt the area to make it unsuitable for their needs.

  • Toads: Get rid of damp areas like leaves and garbage, toad-proof window wells
  • Aquatic Frogs: Add fish to the pond or turtle to the pond, create a dedicated pond
  • Tree Frogs: Get rid of the water close to the trees

If you have aquatic frogs or tree frogs on your property it is because they are attracted to some sort of body of water, may that be a pond, a lake, or even your swimming pool.

You should either get rid of that source of water or frog-proof it.

We will provide more ideas for this later on in the article (CTNF).

As for toads, they generally make themselves at home in piles of damp leaves or underneath damp wood, rocks, or plastic.

You may need to disturb these areas without touching the toads.

Get rid of any garbage bags and move plastic structures (like planters or play slides) onto the cement so toads cannot burrow underneath them.

Also, check your garden and property for cracks, crevices, and window wells that toads may seek shelter in.

Remove them from the window well and then seal it off with very small chicken wire or a plastic cover.

Do not seal these off immediately, as you would not want to trap these innocent creatures inside.

Learn more about how to frog proof your yard on our blog

4. Remove What Attracts Frogs

There are quite a few environmental features that frogs are incredibly attracted to, especially water and humidity.

Let’s start with tree frogs and aquatic frogs.

If you have trees, block them off with dividers.

Cover your pond or pool at night but make sure there are no frogs there in the first place.

You could also add a ramp to help them out of the pool if you have dead frogs since it may be hard for them to escape if they fall in.

For long-term solutions, you could plant some dense bushes around trees and ponds, making it difficult for frogs to access these areas.

Some frogs can leap a couple of feet in the air, so barriers should be fairly high.

You can also use mesh fencing, as they will likely be unable to squeeze through gaps.

If this does not do the trick, you can modify the pond by decreasing the depth and adding some sphagnum moss.

While some frog species can still thrive in these conditions, many will find such environments unpleasant.

As for toads, they may even be attracted to a pet’s water bowl.

Try your best to keep pets’ water bowls indoors as far as possible, or only place them outside during feeding times. Get rid of any sources of humidity that attract toads.

5. Scare The Frogs Without Harming Them

If nothing stops the frogs from feeling at home on your property, you could deploy some classic prankster approaches.

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Place some rubber snakes around your property, and floating snakes in water bodies, as this may scare them away from the area without actually posing any risks to their wellbeing.

6. Cut Off The Frog’s Food Sources

While it’s impossible to prevent frogs from finding food on your property, you can make it far more challenging.

Turn off all outdoor lighting at night, as this typically attracts bugs to the area, making a perfect dinner for most frog species.

Try your best to take any measures that would deter bugs and insects from roaming your property, as this will immediately encourage the frogs to live elsewhere.

Avoid using bug repellent and insecticides to get rid of invertebrates since this can harm frogs and the environment.

That being said, insects are not the only category on frogs’ dinner menus, as they eat a wide range of other prey and food.

Pet food can attract mice and large frog species also eat rodents, small bats, and birds. So make sure your pet’s treats are kept indoors at all times.

7. Use Natural Repellants to Keep Frogs Away

An easy trick is to make some saltwater, pour it into a spray bottle, and spray it on ground areas around your property. Such areas include porches, driveways, and pavements.

This will not harm the frogs, but it’s quite uncomfortable for their sensitive skin, and they may choose to avoid your property as a result.

Here are some other things that may keep frogs and toads away:

  • Coffee Grounds
  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon Juice

Do not spray or drop any of these products directly on frogs, this is cruel behavior. Learn more about homemade natural frog repellants that work in this guide on our blog.

8. Sound Proof to Not Hear The Frogs

If you don’t mind having frogs in your yard you may want to work on soundproofing your interior to not hear them at night.

The good news is, they generally do not croak during each month of Spring or Summer.

You could add a thick curtain over your window in order to block out some of the sounds that the frogs are making.

Here are some other ideas to avoid hearing them at night:

  • Use noise-canceling headphones
  • Create white noise in your room with a fan
  • Use an app to make background noise like waves or white noise
  • Sleep with earplugs

Find out when frogs stop croaking in the video below

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9. Change Your Perspective on The Frogs

The last thing you could do is just change your perspective on how you view the frog sounds that they make at night.

Instead of being upset or frustrated with them, try to enjoy the sounds that they are making.

Just let these sounds enter your home and rock you to sleep.

Also, keep in mind that the frogs will not keep croaking all year.

Frogs stop croaking at the end of mating season, during hibernation and estivation, when a predator is near and more.

If not, here are some more things you can do about the frogs in your yard.

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10. Physically Remove The Frogs

In the most extreme cases, you may have to physically gather up the frogs (if they are not endangered or protected species).

Use a long-handled net to scoop them out of the pond, window well, or trees. This may not be a solo mission, and it can be fun to do with others.

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Once you’ve collected the frogs and placed them into a suitable container (that they can survive in), you can take them to professionals who will care for them or relocate them properly.

However, there are important precautions to take if this is what you would like to do.

See our full guide on how to remove frogs from your yard for more

11. Prevent The Frogs From Returning

Once the frogs have exited their initial dwelling areas, block the areas off, as this will encourage them to avoid returning without causing them harm.

Although, you will need to make sure that your property is free from other suitable habitats, as they may relocate to an appropriate spot only a few feet away.

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Check out our full guide on how to prevent frogs from coming back to a yard

More Things You Can Do About Loud Frogs At Night

While it can be extremely annoying to endure the sounds of nocturnal amphibian activity and various frog mating calls, these little creatures mean no harm to you or your family.

Regardless of whether or not you’re a frog fan, they should always be treated with the utmost respect throughout the process.

Here are some more things you can do about loud frogs at night:

  • When Do Frogs Stop Croaking?
  • Where Do Frogs Go During The Day?
  • Get Rid of Frogs Without Killing Them
  • Keep Frogs Off Your Property
  • Move Frogs Out of Your Yard
  • What to Do With Toads in a Window Well
  • Find a Lost Frog in Your Home
  • What Do Frogs Do At Night?

Common Questions About Loud Frogs At Night

How do you get rid of noisy frogs at night? You can get rid of noisy frogs at night by making your property unsuitable for frogs, removing water bodies, reducing or eliminating food sources, or placing fake predators on your property. Prevent frogs from returning to your garden by setting up barriers and removing aspects that will attract them.

Why do frogs croak loudly? Male frogs croak loudly during mating season to attract female frogs of the same species to their location. Some frogs, like Spring Peeper, can be heard over 1 km from their location.

What time do frogs start croaking? Frogs generally start croaking at sunset during mating season, so between 7 and 11 pm depending on your location and the time of year. Frogs generally stop croaking a few hours before sunrise or when birds become active again between 2 and 5 am.

Why do frogs suddenly stop croaking? Frogs may suddenly stop croaking if they detect a predator in their vicinity. Their goal is to attract a female frog of the same species to their location and if a group of frogs hear a predator approaching they may all stop croaking.

Are frogs active at night? Frogs, especially toads, are nocturnal and are active at night while some of their predators are less active and the atmosphere is humid. Toads generally come out to eat at night and are attracted to light sources that attract moths.

What do frogs do at night? Frogs spend most of their time calling mates or eating at night. Generally, frogs are active at night because their senses are well-suited to darkness, they enjoy the evening humidity, and many of their predators are less active at night.


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