Why Do Guys Joke About Getting You Pregnant

If you’re a woman in a relationship with a man, then you’re most likely aware that there is one word that men don’t usually joke about — pregnancy. They will make jokes about anything but that.

However, if your boyfriend keeps joking about your getting pregnant, it could mean something a little more serious than just them trying to get under your skin.

Keep reading!

Here are 11 things it could mean

1) He wants to have a baby with you

Of course, if your boyfriend is constantly joking about you getting pregnant, it could mean that he does have certain plans regarding your baby-making.

If this is the case, then chances are that it’s not just a one-time joke. It’s literally something that he wants!

But how to know for sure?

Well, as with everything in a relationship, you usually find out the truth through communication.

The best thing to do would be to talk about it with your boyfriend. You could begin the conversation by saying that you’ve noticed him making such jokes and why he thinks it’s funny if you get pregnant.

You can tell him that you find it adorable if that’s what he wants and then invite him to share his feelings with you. If he has no objections then chances are high that this is exactly what he wants. But if he says something else, then at least you know where both of your heads are at. Things will definitely be easier after this conversation as well!

2) He’s trying to find out if you’re ready

Another thing it might mean when your boyfriend keeps joking about you getting pregnant is he wants to start a family. It might also mean that he’s trying to find out if you’re ready for such a step. This is especially true if your relationship lasts for a longer period of time.

Men usually don’t joke about pregnancy unless they are serious about it, which means they are probably ready to start their own family.

To be honest, this is a very sweet idea and I’m sure you do want to have children with him as well! After all, what’s the point of dating someone if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life together?

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So, don’t worry!

He just might be waiting for an answer from you. However, sometimes men aren’t very good at expressing themselves so this could turn into another argument and frustration for both of you.

Here again, communication comes in pretty handy!

If you know that this is in fact what he wants, then tell him and invite him to talk about it with you more deeply. Tell him that asking is adorable and then invite him to share his feelings with you.

3) He could be scared of commitment

You might be surprised why your boyfriend keeps making jokes about you getting pregnant. But the truth is, this might mean something entirely different.

You see, sometimes men tend to make jokes in order to avoid commitment because they’re either afraid or not ready for such a responsibility!

If before he used to tell you that he wanted a family and now he’s suddenly joking about becoming a daddy, then this could mean that your relationship has taken another step forward. And because he doesn’t know how to handle such things, it might cause him some anxiety.

He could be trying to back out of this new commitment by using “funny” jokes as an excuse. Or maybe he just feels like having his freedom instead of settling down and starting a family with you?

So, if you suddenly notice your boyfriend making jokes about you getting pregnant, but it’s not in a funny way as much as it’s more of manipulation, then he might actually be trying to avoid commitment. Or, at least that’s what his behavior is showing.

4) He’s letting you know he has a lot of confidence in your relationship

The truth is:

Men are really bad at showing their emotions. So instead of telling you how he really feels about you, he says things in a more roundabout way. And if your boyfriend is making jokes about getting you pregnant, then this could mean that he’s actually very happy with you.

He could be trying to tell you that not only does he want to spend his life with you, but also have children together and raise a big happy family.

Sure, when men get married they want to have children because it’s part of the whole “making a family” thing. But they don’t usually say this out loud because they’re afraid of scaring the woman away or looking like less of a man in her eyes. Because most guys think that women don’t want commitment and only want to date a man for his money or for fun!

So if your guy tells you such jokes, it’s actually very cute because it means that from his point of view, your relationship is just so strong and stable that there would be no problem having children in the future!

This is definitely an adorable gesture that will make any girl swoon over her man and fall crazy madly in love with him!

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5) He feels intense pressure from his family

Maybe his family is pressuring him to get married and start a family life with you. Maybe his parents are encouraging him to think about getting married, or maybe even starting a family.

Whatever the case, he might be feeling the pressure if he suddenly starts making jokes about having children. Even though it’s not something that he wants, he feels obligated to do it because his parents want him to marry you, or have kids.

A guy who wants commitment rarely makes a big fuss about it at all!

You can tell if your man is under pressure from his parents. The way he talks to you and even how he looks at you can change.

He might become a bit more serious, almost like he’s not enjoying himself anymore. Plus, he might start avoiding you to have some fun time to himself on his own.

6) Your relationship is moving really fast and he’s trying to slow things down

Think about this for a moment:

If your relationship is progressing at a very fast pace, he might feel like it’s time to slow things down and speak more explicitly about what he wants.

He’s already expressing his feelings and intentions, but he might be afraid that you don’t understand them and don’t share those same sentiments.

So if you’re moving very fast and he doesn’t know how long you will stay with him, then it makes sense that he would try to slow things down by saying something funny.

This is a very sweet idea because his intentions are clear and he’s just trying to test how quickly you will get to know his deeper feelings if you’re able to. You can tell how serious he is in wanting commitment to you by looking at his actions and how fast he talks and acts.

7) He wants to know where you stand on the issue

Another thing that might prompt a man to joke about having children is the desire to know where you stand on the issue.

So what does all this mean?

Well, it means that like most men, he wants to know if you’re willing to commit in your relationship. He wants to know if you have any hidden agenda on him that might change the course of things.

He feels like he has a lot riding on this and wants to make sure that he’s not being used for anything by you. He doesn’t want his future and happiness to be determined by something other than him and his decision alone.

So if he knows where you stand and how it will affect his life, then he can act more confidently between the two of you. If he knows how important this is for being committed, then having kids with you would be a no-brainer for him.

8) He wants to test your boundaries

Sometimes a simple joke can be a way for a man to test your boundaries. Jokes about children can do this, because most of the time, he wants to know how far you will go and how much you’ll be willing to compromise.

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In many cases, he wants to know the limits of what he can request in exchange for your commitment. If you say yes, then he knows that he’s free to ask a lot more. If you say no, then he knows that his future with you is limited and not included in the grand scheme of things.

But keep in mind:

Having children requires a lot of compromises and compromises require a lot of sacrifices. So if you’re not ready to give up everything, then a joke about having children might push you over the line.

9) He’s showing you that he’s aware of your life plans

This can be a sign that he’s aware of your plans for life and is making sure to keep himself ready for them.

If you know that you have other things in mind, including having children, then he might think that it’s not a good idea to have a child while you’re still not settled in your life and career.

The fact that he’s willing to joke about it means that he’s aware that you might have other plans for the future and he wants to be ready for them, which might mean putting plans in place.

10) He thinks you’re the one

Maybe he doesn’t want to have a baby with you right now, but obviously, he thinks you’re the one. In other words, he thinks that if he ever wants children, it will be with you.

A lot of men enjoy playing around with your emotions because they want to know how they’ll behave to get your potential commitment. And they want to know whether or not you’ll stick around when the time comes.

As such, jokes about having children can come in handy for a man who wants to test that theory.

He knows that if he plays along and has a good time with you and acts as a responsible person, then you’ll be more ready for commitment. As such, he might play along to see what happens.

11) He sees it as a way to bond with you and shows his love

Sometimes a man will tell you something like, “I love kids! And I want to have children with you one day.”

Here’s the thing:

He’s just trying to bond. He wants to feel closer and understand what it means to be in a committed relationship with someone.

The best way for him to do so is by having children with you. The more he accepts them as his future, the more he will accept you. As such, having children together is a great way for him to show his love for you and stick around no matter what happens next.

Final thoughts

We’ve covered 11 reasons why a man might joke about having children. These reasons aren’t exclusive to having kids with you, but they’re still relevant because they can help you understand his motivations.

The biggest takeaway here is that he wants to see where you stand on the issue and how committed you are to him. He wants to be able to make an informed decision between the two of you and grow into a responsible person in the process.

If he’s serious about having children with you, then just go with it. But remember that he might not know just how serious you are and that there will be implications to your decision.

So if you’re not ready, then please think twice. You might mess up the joke, or worse – miss out on a great man!

If though, you do have this in mind and are ready to have children with him no matter what happens, then prepare yourself for commitment and have fun! Life is short; enjoy it while it lasts.

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