HomeWHYWhy Do I Always Think About Food

Why Do I Always Think About Food

Why am I always thinking about food?

Food plays a central role in many ceremonies, traditions, rituals, and other social gatherings across nearly every culture on Earth. And even at its most basic level, food is something we literally need to survive and maintain basic metabolic functions.

Thinking about food is perfectly normal, and, for the most part, how to stop thinking about food isn’t something someone should worry about. There are many reasons why people think about food regularly.

Tips on how to stop thinking about food

There’s nothing wrong with thinking about food. But if you find your food thoughts are bordering on obsession or are otherwise becoming problematic, there are some tips to stop constantly thinking about food, diet, or eating.

Some good places to start include:

  • Showing yourself some grace. Shame and guilt can be driving forces behind many disordered eating thoughts, including “How can I stop thinking about food?” and behaviors, such as binge eating.5 Giving yourself the space and acceptance to have your own relationship with food and eating may help you let go of some of these thoughts.
  • Drinking enough water. On the physiological side, you may be thinking about food because you’re hungry, especially if you’re dieting or otherwise restricting food intake. Proper hydration may help reduce cravings for certain highly-palatable foods, which may help your mind move on from these thoughts.6
  • Finding something else to do. Many times, people can’t stop thinking about food because they’re bored. But there are other ways to keep yourself occupied. If you find yourself experiencing food obsession, try taking a break to stretch, go for a walk, read something, or call up a friend instead.
  • Keeping your patterns in mind. When you find yourself thinking about food, take note: Are you angry? Bored? Stressed out? Sad? Many people eat as an emotional response. Keeping track of your emotional state may be a good way to remind yourself that your thoughts about food may actually be tied to something else entirely.
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It should be noted that these tips are not intended to help someone lose weight. Instead, they should help someone free themself from food guilt and other negative thought patterns that can make hard to stop thinking about food all the time.


How to build a better relationship with food

At the core of most cases of food obsession is an unhealthy relationship with food and eating. But there are other tips that can help you proactively work on this important relationship.


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