Why Do I Crave Something Sweet After I Eat

Ever found yourself reaching for a piece of chocolate or eyeing that tempting dessert after a hearty meal? You’re not alone. The desire for sweets after meals is a universal phenomenon that has intrigued food enthusiasts and scientists alike. Post-meal sugar cravings are common but can hamper your weight loss journey. If you feel this habit of eating sweets after every meal is making you gain weight or making you lethargic and bloated, it’s time to reflect on the reasons behind this common inclination and discover some practical tips to keep those sweet urges in check.

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Nutritionist Neha Ranglani, in an Instagram post, delved into the main reasons for post-meal sweet cravings:

  • It could be physiological, which means your body needs a quick energy spike because digestion is hard work, and your body needs energy to digest and process food and absorb nutrients.
  • It can be psychological – you crave sweets out of habit. Your body has been programmed to crave sweets after every meal just because you’ve been doing so for a long time.

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Is it good or bad to have sweets after meals?

Usually, having a small portion of sweets does not harm. The nutritionist says that if you feel energetic and satiated after having a small amount of sweets, it should not concern you much. But if you feel sluggish after having post-meal sweet, you need to ask yourself the following questions.

Why Do You Crave For Sweets After Meals?

1. Are you eating enough during the day?

Your hunger hormones (i.e., ghrelin) will know if you don’t have enough food during the day and begin screaming for food… which can increase your sweet cravings!

2. Are you eating a balanced and a variety of nutrients?

Carbs, protein, and healthy fats – A balanced plate promotes satisfaction, which helps cut cravings. If you don’t consume a variety of nutrients, you may crave more sweets.

3. Do you give yourself permission to eat sweets?

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Your mind and body are connected. If your body demands sweets and your mind lets it have it, you gradually develop an affinity for sweets.

4. Do you give yourself permission to eat sweets at ANY time of day?

What if you’re craving something sweet at breakfast or after lunch? Pushing it off will only heighten your craving!

5. Are you stressed?

Stress will also increase ghrelin, your hunger hormone, which will make you crave a dessert even if your stomach is almost full.

6. Do you lack sleep?

Another factor to increase ghrelin – sleep. Insufficient sleep makes the body hungrier and crave sweet foods.

7. Are your meals satisfying?

If your meal doesn’t satisfy you enough, you will try to make up for it with sweets. A good hearty meal is less likely to lead to desserts.

How to Tame the Sweet Tooth: Practical Tips

Now that we understand the why, let’s explore the how. Managing post-meal sweet cravings doesn’t mean bidding farewell to desserts altogether. Here are some simple strategies to help curb those sugar urges after every meal:

1. Opt for Healthier Alternatives:

Instead of diving into a sugary dessert, try satisfying your sweet tooth with healthier options. Fresh fruits, yogurt with a drizzle of honey can do wonders. Nutritionist Neha Ranglani says even til chikki and nuts or a small piece of dark chocolate are good options.

2. Balanced Meals:

Ensure that your meals are well-balanced, incorporating a mix of proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. This helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing the likelihood of intense sweet cravings.

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3. Stay Hydrated:

Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Sometimes, a glass of water is all it takes to quell those cravings. Herbal teas or infused water can also add a touch of flavour without the added sugars.

4. Distract Yourself:

When the sweet tooth strikes, distract yourself with a non-food-related activity. Nutritionist Neha Ranglani suggests taking a short walk, engaging in a hobby, listening to music, or simply stepping away from the kitchen. Sometimes, the craving will pass on its own.

5. Salt To The Rescue

Nutritionist Pooja Makhija reveals that sometimes our sugar cravings are actually salt cravings. When we don’t consume enough salt, our body activates the addictive pathways in our brain and we will crave sugar more than anything else. So, having salty food can help you quickly curb sugar cravings.

Cravings are a natural part of the human experience, and sweet cravings after meals are no exception. Understanding the reasons behind these urges empowers us to make informed choices. So, the next time you feel that post-meal sweet craving, remember that it’s okay to indulge in moderation, but it’s equally okay to choose a healthier option and savor the sweetness of life.

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