Why Do I Get Dandruff In The Winter

When the winter months settle in, snow isn’t the only fluffy white flake falling to the ground! As the temperatures drop and the air gets dry, many individuals struggle with an itchy, flaky scalp and winter dandruff. In fact, this common scalp condition affects around 50 percent of the worldwide population, with several people experiencing an increase in their symptoms during the winter.

If you suffer from this common scalp condition and are wondering how to get rid of dandruff in the winter, read our dermatologist’s top tips.

How to Get Rid of Winter Dandruff

Before we get into our top winter dandruff tips, it’s important to understand that dandruff is a chronic scalp condition that may not completely go away. However, with our dermatologist’s help, you can certainly see an improvement in your symptoms, including flakiness and itchiness.

Swap Out Your Regular Shampoo for an OTC Dandruff Shampoo

One of the easiest ways to reduce your winter dandruff is by regularly using an over-the-counter dandruff shampoo. Your everyday shampoo might contain ingredients that are exacerbating your symptoms, such as sulfates, phthalates, and aggravating fragrances.

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Dandruff shampoos get straight to the heart of many individuals’ dandruff cause: yeast. Dandruff shampoo has antifungal properties, meaning it kills off the dreaded yeast that contribute to dandruff.

Furthermore, anti-dandruff shampoos are typically gentler on the skin, more moisturizing, and seriously hydrating.

If you would like more information on the best OTC dandruff shampoos, reach out to one of our providers. We’re happy to provide you with expert recommendations!

Avoid Extremely Hot Water

Whether you’re taking a shower or a bath, be careful to avoid extremely hot water. This further dries out the scalp, and when combined with the overly dry winter air, can increase winter dandruff symptoms, like flakiness and itching. Instead, stick to warm water that soothes your scalp and skin.

Hydrate with Coconut Oil

Did you know that coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is incredibly hydrating? This is a powerful combination that helps to mitigate winter dandruff symptoms so you can feel more comfortable.

We recommend using coconut oil as an overnight hydrating mask. Simply apply coconut oil to the scalp, wrap your hair into a bun or cover your head with a shower cap to boost penetration, and snooze away.

Skip Harmful Home Remedies

When researching winter dandruff tips, you might come across several articles that recommend at-home remedies, like essential oils, apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, topicals, and more. However, we recommend skipping these, as they might do more harm than good, especially if you have sensitive skin.

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Instead, it’s best to consult with a board-certified dermatologist for an effective dandruff treatment plan.

Visit a Board-Certified Dermatologist for Winter Dandruff Treatment

When it comes to dandruff and other scalp conditions, dermatologists are your best resource for effective treatment options.

At Brentwood Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists are experts in putting together personalized dandruff treatment plans. We’re passionate about helping our patients find much-needed relief from this troublesome scalp condition.

Get in touch with our clinic in Brentwood, Tennessee, to learn more about how we help individuals mitigate their winter dandruff symptoms with effective treatment.

Professional Dermatology Solutions in Brentwood, Tennessee

The trusted physicians at Brentwood Dermatology can assist you with all of your general, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology needs, including dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. If you would like to learn more about our services, such as our dandruff treatment in Brentwood, TN, contact us online or give us a call at (615) 377-3448.

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