HomeWHYWhy Do I Have Veins On My Forehead

Why Do I Have Veins On My Forehead

Large forehead veins are often visible because of genetics or age. As you get older, your skin becomes thinner and may reveal the veins underneath. Age can also increase the risk of vascular issues. If you have pale skin, you may notice blue-tinged veins, too.

Veins may also be more visible if you’re of lower weight. People who are underweight or have little body fat may have tighter skin. This allows easier visibility to notice veins in your forehead, along with other parts of your body.

Here are some other reasons that may cause your forehead veins to bulge.

Pressure or strain

A good laugh can bring some visibility to your forehead veins. When you laugh, pressure increases in your chest, causing veins to expand. The same can be said about frequent sneezing, exercise, and severe vomiting.

Tension headaches and eye strain can also increase pressure in your head and your veins. Some symptoms require medical attention. See your doctor if you’re experiencing:

  • pain
  • dizziness
  • vision issues


Pregnant women experience a number of hormone changes. During pregnancy, your body produces more estrogen and progesterone, which can widen and weaken your veins. In addition, your body will increase blood flow.

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This increased blood flow will enlarge your veins, and blood may begin to accumulate. This can give off the appearance of enlarged facial veins.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure or anything that can increase blood flow to your head can cause your veins to bulge. It can also be indication of a lingering heart issue.

If you notice a bulging forehead vein that’s accompanied with chest pain or other irregular symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

Sun exposure

Staying out too long in the sun or frequent sunburns can cause spider veins to bulge on your face. The sun can dilate, or enlarge, your blood vessels. This can cause them to bulge. It can also weaken the surrounding skin tissue. If you have weaker veins, sun overexposure can prevent them from shrinking back to normal size.

Spider veins may appear as blue, red, or purple in color. Other than the forehead, they’re more often seen on the cheeks and nose. This is particularly true for women with paler skin and older individuals.


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