HomeWHYWhy Do I Hear Someone Calling My Name

Why Do I Hear Someone Calling My Name

hearing your name called

Are you hearing your name called but no one is around? You might think you are making it all up or just hearing voices in your head. It can be confusing to understand what is going on. However, there is a good reason why you are hearing your name being called when no one is around.

You may hear your name being called when you are tapped into a different frequency and are using your intuitive senses to pick up on it.

You are picking up on energy that not everyone else can hear. You aren’t making it up or going crazy. You are just on a different frequency where you are able to receive messages from energies in a different dimension.

Hearing Your Name Called – You Are Clairaudient

If you are hearing your name being called when no one is around, you are clairaudient. This is one of the more common clair abilities.

Clairaudient means “clear hearing”. You are able to hear things that are not easily available in the 3D world. You can hear things from other dimensions and from different frequencies. You are tapping into a whole new frequency.

Even if you only hear your name once or twice, it is a sign that you do have these gifts.

We can all be psychic and develop our gifts stronger if we choose to. However, you are likely stronger in clairaudience as one of your more dominant abilities. It might be worth exploring this ability more if you want to.

Signs That You Are Clairaudient:

  • You hear angelic music in your head.
  • You have songs repeating in your head and they get “stuck” in your head.
  • You hear voices when no one is visibly seen.
  • You are a good listener.
  • You prefer to listen to things more than reading, watching, etc.
  • You get buzzing sounds in your ears (downloads).
  • You hear details in conversations that other people miss.
  • Music and different frequencies make you feel a certain way. They deeply touch your soul in a way that you can’t describe.
  • You prefer to learn through listening.
  • You are sensitive to noise and loud sounds bother you.
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Hearing Your Name Called When No One Is Around

If you hear your name being called when no one is around, you are tapping into another frequency. In this frequency, you can hear things that you can’t in 3D.

You may hear from many people such as a deceased loved one, an earthbound spirit, a spirit guide, an angel, an off-worlder ET, your higher self, or even the astral realm.

Pay attention to how the voice feels. Does it feel safe and inviting or does it feel scary?

If it is safe and inviting, then communicate with it if you want to. Pay attention and notice if you recognize the voice. If it is scary then firmly ask it to leave.

Hearing Your Name Called When Falling Asleep

When you fall asleep you are in a state where you release resistance and open up to new energies more easily. During this state, it is much easier to tap into energies that are in a different dimension.

So, if you are hearing your name called while drifting off, it’s because you are more open to it then.

Someone is trying to get your attention by saying your name. This may be a deceased loved one, a spirit guide, an angel, someone from your soul family or star family, and really anyone that is on a different dimension and frequency.

They might just be popping in to say, “hi, I miss you and want you to know I’m here.” Or they might have a more specific message for you.

When this happens, try talking to them (even in your head as that is called telepathic communication.) Ask them who they are and what they are here for. Find out more if you are open to it.

You can also use your other intuitive senses to feel the energy of them. Do they feel familiar or like a stranger? Do they feel good or bad? Really tune into your intuition to find out more.

Hearing Your Name Called While Sleeping

If you hear your name being called while you are sleeping, you might have a hard time determining if it was a dream or real. You know you were sleeping but did it actually happen? Or maybe you woke up to the sound of someone saying your name.

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At night, you are more open to spirit communication as you are more relaxed. This is when information can easily get through. Your mind isn’t blocking spirit communication while sleeping.

So, if you hear your name being called when sleeping, notice if the voice sounds familiar? Is it someone you know or don’t know?

Have a conversation with the voice if it feels comfortable to do so. Ask it what it wants. It showed up for a reason and is trying to get your attention for a reason.

If the voice scares you, ask it to leave. You are in charge. If you set boundaries and are firm it should leave.

A few years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to someone saying, “Meghan” in a really raspy voice. I had no idea who it was. I didn’t know what to do back then and was very tired, so I just fell back asleep. I have not heard my name called since (although I’ve heard different sounds from spirit). It was a unique experience and during that time I was receiving a ton of spirit communication through other ways. This was just another way of communicating with me. I was staying at my boyfriend’s house so I also think it could have been someone he knew.

Pay attention to your surroundings when you hear your name called while sleeping. If you are in an unfamiliar place or at someone else’s, the spirit might be attached to the place you are staying. It might be a spirit that is around for the owners of the house or a past owner that has since passed on.

If you are staying in a hotel, it might be someone that passed there, they know the owners of the hotel, or they have a message for another guest staying there. Or it could be someone from your spiritual team or your soul family. There are endless possibilities of who it could be.

Hearing Your Name Called in Your Dreams

You might be someone who receives messages in your dreams. If you remember your dreams often and they are vivid, then that is one way you receive messages.

If you are hearing your name called in your dreams, then it’s really important to pay attention to those dreams.

As soon as you wake up, record your dreams and see what messages are in them for you. It’s helpful to go back to them later as well when you are more grounded to receive additional insights.

Your higher self and spiritual team communicate to you in your dreams. They might be saying your name to get your attention even though it appears to come from a different dream character.

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Dreams are very symbolic, and the message will come through in the easiest way to get your attention while not scaring you.

For example, if your higher self appears in your dream and looks like you it might feel weird for you to get a message in that way.

Or if your spirit guide shows up as someone you don’t recognize, you might not trust the message as much because you don’t know who they are.

But if your mother shows up in your dream and says your name, it might not feel as scary because you talk to her often anyways. Your dreams get messages to you in the easiest, least resistant way possible.

Hearing Your Name Called Through a Telepathic Bond

You may hear your name as a way to receive a telepathic message from someone. Telepathy is a communication of the mind where no physical words are spoken. You may receive a message as a thought, or it may sound like someone is standing in front of you saying something.

You have these connections with people you are close to and who you spend the most time with. Anyone can be telepathic, and animals especially are really good at telepathy. This is how most animal communicators speak with animals.

Hearing your name may be someone thinking about you, talking about you, or trying to get your attention through telepathy. How clear the message comes through depends on the person sending it as well as the person receiving it. If you are more open to it, then messages can more easily come through.

Final Thoughts

You may hear your name being called for a variety of reasons when you see no one around. It might be someone coming in to say “hi” or one of your spirit helpers coming in to get your attention to something specific. It also might be your higher self communicating with you and guiding you.

One thing is certain, your intuitive senses are opening up. You wouldn’t be able to hear your name being called if they weren’t. You are tapping into a different frequency and may even be able to hear things that are on that frequency.

If you want, communicate with the being that is saying your name. Find out more if you can and use your intuitive senses to feel what is happening.

You can pick up so much more information when you are calm and peaceful. Tap into what is happening through your heart vs your head. Your head will try to analyze it, but your heart will be able to feel the messages in a way that your head can’t.

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