HomeWHYWhy Do I Rub My Feet Together

Why Do I Rub My Feet Together

Everyone has their own nighttime routine – whether it’s relaxing in the tub before bed or reading a chapter of your book while tucked up in the sheets. However, for some, their routine includes rubbing their feet together as they drift off to sleep – with some not even aware they’re doing it.

One Reddit user asked: “I am curious if anybody else feels soothed when they rub their feet around each other repeatedly? I feel like I can’t sleep without doing it most nights. I think it is when I have too much energy. I love doing it. It just must look quite funny to an outsider.”

This foot-rubbing action is known as cricket feet or cricketing, and it helps release stress or anxiety before sleep. Lee Phillips, a psychotherapist, explained to Health: “Cricket feet, or cricketing, is the repeated physical movement of rubbing one foot against the other, often while trying to fall asleep.” He added that the name comes from crickets who make chirping sounds by rubbing their legs or wings together.

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Jennifer Worley, a licensed marriage and family therapist, further explained: “Engaging in such actions can be a self-soothing mechanism, similar to rocking or tapping.” So, next time you find yourself cricketing, know that it’s just your body’s way of helping you relax!

Lee Phillips highlights that folks with neurodivergent disorders like autism and ADHD are more likely to use ‘cricket feet’ as a way to relax at night. But, you don’t have to be neurodivergent to try this soothing technique.

Talking about this revelation on Reddit, one user shared: “Since I was a kid! They fit together just right/I fall asleep and I wake up doing it!” Another echoed the sentiment, saying: “Yes! I call it ‘cricket feet and I do it anytime I’m in a semi-reclined or laying-down position. Even more so when I’m tired.”

A different user chimed in saying: “I don’t rub my feet, but I do constantly wiggle my toes. Specifically, rubbing together my big toe and.. index toe? Why is it called an index toe, that seems weird… Anyway, socks without shoes also drive my feet crazy unless it’s winter and they’re very cold. But I will 100% still wiggle my toes in my socks.”

Adding another perspective, another user said: “I like to rub the edge of one foot in between the toes of the other foot. It’s so relaxing. I’ve also learned to use one foot to crack the toes of the other.” To wrap it up, a fifth user shared: “I don’t, but my husband does occasionally. I call it cricketing.”

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