HomeWHYWhy Do I Sleep With My Arms Above My Head

Why Do I Sleep With My Arms Above My Head

You probably don’t think much about what your typical sleep position means, other than a desire for optimal comfort while you snooze. Yet some sleep psychologists and experts have suggested personality can factor into sleep position and offer some insight about your traits and behaviors.

Professor and sleep expert Chris Idzikowski surveyed just over 1,000 British adults to uncover any links between sleep position and personality. He used these results to draw connections between common sleep positions and personality traits. A few of his findings:

  • The fetal position is most common, particularly among women. This position can be linked to shyness and sensitivity.
  • People who sleep on one side with arms outstretched may be open-natured but somewhat suspicious. They also tend to stick with their decisions.
  • Stomach sleeping with hands up or under the pillow is linked to a sociable nature and a dislike of criticism.

These results are likely best interpreted with a liberal sprinkling of salt, as the survey had several key limitations:

  • It only looked at results from about 1,000 people — quite a small number when compared to the general population.
  • These findings didn’t hold when the second group of participants completed the same survey, which suggests these results may not apply to everyone.
  • People reported on their sleep position and personality traits themselves, leaving more room for potential bias.
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A survey on sleep position among Americans conducted by the Better Sleep Council (BSC) yielded a few other insights. Here’s a quick snapshot:

  • People who sleep in a log position (on one side with both arms down) believe they get enough sleep and are “healthier” than people who prefer other positions.
  • People who have a graduate degree or higher are more likely to prefer the fetal position than those who’ve completed less education.
  • Generation X and millennials are more likely to prefer stomach sleeping than baby boomers. Baby boomers, on the other hand, are more likely to sleep on one side with arms outstretched.
  • Introverted people are more likely to avoid sleeping on their stomachs with arms raised.

Again, surveys aren’t the same as controlled trials and other scientific studies, and other sleep experts are less certain about the link between sleep and personality.

We reached out to sleep psychologist and researcher Jade Wu, who notes that she’s not aware of any link between sleep position and personality.

What’s more, a number of online sources report Idzikowski himself didn’t intend his findings as conclusive evidence.


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