Why Do I Keep Sneezing in the Shower?

By Mitch Borden

Who doesn’t love a hot, steamy shower? It’s a relaxing and refreshing experience. However, ever since I moved to Midland, there’s been an unexpected downside to my showers – I can’t stop sneezing. It’s not a pleasant feeling to be standing there, naked and wet, and constantly reaching for a tissue.

At first, I thought I was sick, but the sneezing persisted even when I felt perfectly fine. Determined to find some answers, I took to the streets and started asking around. Surprisingly, I discovered that I wasn’t alone in my shower-sneezing dilemma. Many others in Midland were experiencing the same issue, but nobody knew why.

One person I spoke to, Archie Williams, shared that his showers even had an unpleasant bleach-like smell. This detail turned out to be a crucial clue. Over the past few years, the smell had gotten worse for him, but initially, he didn’t connect it to the water. He thought his wife was just cleaning early in the morning.

Curious to unravel this mystery, I approached the source of the city’s water – the Midland Water Purification Plant. Raymond Saddler, who has been working with Midland water for over 14 years, shed some light on the situation. He assured me that the city’s tap water adheres to the standards set by the state of Texas. If there are any violations, they are promptly addressed and made public.

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Leaving the issue of drinkability aside, Saddler was more than willing to discuss the phenomenon of shower sneezing. He explained that it is caused by a disinfectant called chloramine, which is used in water treatment processes across the country. This chloramine is what gives some showers in Midland a bleachy smell. Saddler mentioned that Midland likely uses more chloramine than other communities due to the nature of their water infrastructure.

In the past decade, Midland has had to increase the amount of chloramine used as water usage has decreased. When water sits in pipes for longer periods, more chloramine is needed to ensure its safety. This is why some residents have only recently noticed the smell in their showers.

Saddler highlighted the fact that chloramine contains chlorine, which is released into the air when heated water is used for showers. This process, known as off-gassing, can cause reactions in some individuals, myself included. However, Saddler reassured me that these reactions are not dangerous, comparing them to smelling cleaning products while using them.

Both the Center for Disease Control and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality state that the chloramine levels used in Midland’s water treatment are safe and should not pose any health risks to residents. However, if people are experiencing adverse reactions, they are advised to consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that individuals who live closer to the purification plant will be exposed to a higher concentration of chloramine. Those living farther away may not notice any smell or experience any adverse reactions.

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During my investigation, I also came across Kristen Betton, another Midland resident who suffers from shower sneezing. She described her constant sneezing fits as frustrating, especially when trying to wash her hair or shave her legs. Kristen had never met anyone else with the same issue, and she usually didn’t discuss personal hygiene habits in public.

Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate shower sneezing. Raymond Saddler suggested installing specific filters or lowering the water temperature to reduce chloramine off-gassing. However, he empathized with the fact that no one wants to take a cold shower.

While it may be irritating to have burning eyes or uncontrollable sneezing in the shower, Saddler assured me that the water itself is safe. His primary concern is ensuring the potability of Midland’s water supply.

So, the next time you find yourself sneezing incessantly in the shower, remember that it’s not just you. It’s likely due to the presence of chloramine in the water. While it may be an inconvenience, take solace in the fact that Midland’s water is safe to use.

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