Why Do I Throw Up In My Sleep

Throwing up in sleep

Vomiting is certainly one of the most unpleasant occurrences that hit us often without giving us any time to prepare. However, besides being a bothersome and overall nasty experience, vomiting can be extremely dangerous, especially when happening while we are sleeping.

vomit while sleeping

Whether you suffer from acid reflux, GERD, sinusitis, or are pregnant, vomiting in your sleep is a phenomenon that you’ve probably already been through and would like to minimize the possibility of experiencing it again. Luckily, there are effective measures that you can take to avoid putting yourself through it ever again and risking your own life.

This is precisely the topic we are going to cover today, so if you are interested to learn more, you can simply stay with us. We will provide you with some first-hand information that could help you improve sleep quality, keep the stomach acid and contents right where they belong, and most importantly, keep you safe. Keep in mind that this problem requires professional consideration, so the first thing to do is get advice from a doctor who will determine the best possible treatment for your case.

Adjusting the Mattress Incline

As the contents of the stomach and acid get thrown back to the food pipe while our throat tissue remains collapsed when we sleep and are in a horizontal position, the airways are blocked, and therefore, choking on vomiting may occur.

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One of the surest ways to avoid vomiting in your sleep and choking is by decreasing the incline of the upper part of your mattress. So, how can you do that? Besides adding some more pillows which is potentially a good solution yet without a guarantee that the pile will remain on the spot, you can put an under mattress bed wedge. It is adjustable, comfortable to sleep in any position, long-lasting, and portable.

Since the whole point is to lift the upper part of the body, you can choose your preferable incline by sliding the wedge down or up from the feet. Furthermore, our Reflux Guard mattresses come with a 10-year warranty, a high-quality wedge cover that is easily washable, and a flat shipping cost.

Avoid Sleeping on Your Back

Whatever is the condition that you’re struggling with, finding a comfortable sleeping position means that you’ll want to stick to it. After all, we spend a third of our lives sleeping and you surely want to be as comfortable as possible for the time being. Still, if you are faced with frequent nightly vomiting, it is advisable to forget to sleep on your back for a while.

However, what if sleeping on the side doesn’t work for you and your sleep quality becomes even poorer? Again, you can try the Reflux Guard under mattress bed wedge and sleep on your back safe and sound knowing that the acids will probably not have a chance to exit the stomach and reach the esophagus. On our Reflux Guard under mattress bed incline you can even sleep on your stomach if it suits you since the wedge remains in the same position from the moment you install it until you decide to move it.

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Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Intake

In case you have a certain gastric problem or more severe disease, you are probably aware that increased caffeine and alcohol consumption can only worsen the condition. Therefore, to ensure yourself a good night’s sleep and minimize the possibility of vomiting during the night, you should avoid drinking these, especially before going to sleep.

We just want to help.

Tommy Stern created the Reflux Guard© Mattress Wedge out of a personal need to desperately end his long suffering from acid reflux. If you’re waking up in the middle of the night choking, or are suffering from acid reflux in any way, Tommy is here to listen. Schedule a phone call with Tommy to talk about your experience. It’s our goal to help you live a more fulfilled and healthier life.

Schedule a call with Tommy

Avoid Certain Foods and Don’t Eat Couple of Hours Before Going to Sleep

If you are eating a lot of carbs and fatty food before going to bed, there is a great chance that the Gerd or acid reflux symptoms will appear during the night and possibly cause vomiting. Anything like spicy or overly acidic food could trigger the reaction alongside the aforementioned beverages. In case you are too hungry, you can always have a glass of milk or a piece of toast since these foods can help neutralize stomach acid.

Losing Some Weight

One of the first things that your doctor will suggest in case you suffer from GERD or sleep apnea is to lose weight and exercise moderately since the excess weight increases abdominal pressure and makes the stomach acid backflow more frequently. Besides avoiding trigger foods which we mentioned before, you can try eating smaller meals and eating slowly but also taking a walk after a meal to help the digestion and burn some calories.

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Trying Out Natural Remedies

Depending on the severity of your condition, you can always try out some natural herbal remedies to mitigate the risk of vomiting while sleeping. For example, ginger is a well-known gastrointestinal irritation reliever due to its phenolic compounds. They reduce the risk of stomach acid flowing back to the esophagus and therefore help reduce the possibility of vomiting. Of course, you should eat it or drink it with water moderately. The same rule applies to peppermint oil but makes sure not to use it if taking antacids already.

When it comes to herbal teas, it is noted that chamomile, fennel, and licorice can reduce GERD symptoms due to their alkaline properties and richness in fiber. After all, drinking these delicious beverages from time to time can’t do any harm.

Quit Smoking

To quit smoking is surely easier said than done, but if you suffer from GERD or any similar conditions, it is for the best if you get rid of the nasty habit or at least limit it to a few cigarettes a day.

Since there is a small valve in our esophagus which connects it to the stomach, frequent smoking can weaken the valve and create an open path for the acid to reach the throat easily. This leads to a greater possibility of choking on vomit while sleeping, so you should try your best to kick off the tobacco smoking habit and strengthen up the valve.

Related: What to do when choking on saliva while sleeping

Important note:

This information is provided for informational purposes only. For diagnosis and treatment of your specific condition, always consult your doctor. Read the full disclaimer here.

Learn more about the Reflux Guard Mattress Bed Wedge for Acid Reflux Treatment.

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