Why Do Men Wear Black Wedding Rings

Here at Shiva’s Gold and Gems, an esteemed member of the “Leading Jewelers of the World”, we have seen a rising trend in men’s jewelry: the black wedding band. Once a symbol of rebellion, the black wedding band has now become a mark of sophistication and modernity.

The History of Men’s Wedding Bands

Wedding bands have been a significant part of matrimonial ceremonies for centuries, but men-wearing wedding bands became more mainstream in the 20th century, particularly post the World War II era. In the pursuit of expressing individuality and breaking free from the traditional gold and silver bands, men started to explore more diverse and unique materials.

The Rise of Black Wedding Bands

Black wedding bands began to gain popularity in the late 2010s, making a bold statement in the realm of matrimonial jewelry. This trend has been embraced by modern grooms seeking a non-traditional and distinctive symbol of their love.

Reasons for the Popularity of Black Wedding Bands

The allure of the black wedding band can be attributed to several factors:

  • Symbolism: Black can represent strength, courage, and a deep commitment. Some find it a powerful symbol of an enduring bond.
  • Modern Aesthetic: Black wedding bands exude a sleek, modern style that is both timeless and trendy.
  • Celebrity Influence: Many celebrities have sported black wedding bands, fueling their popularity among the general public.
  • Individuality: A black wedding band allows the wearer to stand out, representing their personal style and preferences.
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The Materials of Black Wedding Bands

While you might normally find many black wedding bands with materials like tungsten, black titanium, and ceramic, we like to do it a little differently at Shiva’s. We use the absolute best, most high quality materials to make sure our men’s rings stand out:

  • Physical Vapor Deposition: Also known as PVD, this is a coating technique used in jewelry to enhance the appearance, durability, and versatility of the piece. The coatings increase durability, making the jewelry more resistant to scratches, tarnishing, and fading. PVD-coated jewelry is also hypoallergenic, suitable for individuals with sensitive skin.
  • Onyx: Onyx is highly valued in jewelry for its striking appearance, durability, versatility, and symbolic significance. Its captivating beauty, translucency, and rich colors enhance the elegance of jewelry designs. Onyx is a relatively durable material and its natural variation ensures unique and personalized designs.
  • Black Diamond: Black diamonds, or carbonados, are valued for their rarity, striking appearance, versatility, durability, symbolism, and growing popularity in jewelry. Their distinctive opaque black color, combined with their hardness, makes them highly sought after. Black diamonds can be set in different metals, combined with other gemstones, and carry symbolic meanings of strength and individuality.

How to Choose the Right Black Wedding Band

Choosing the right black wedding band largely depends on personal taste, lifestyle, and job requirements. It’s essential to consider the fit and the durability of the material. For maintaining your band’s pristine condition, we recommend avoiding harsh chemicals and extreme conditions that could damage the band.

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Black wedding bands have undoubtedly made their mark in men’s fashion. They offer a unique blend of style, individuality, and symbolism that resonates with many modern grooms.

We invite you to explore our extensive collection of wedding bands at Shiva’s Gold and Gems, either online or at our stores in Aruba and St. Maarten. Our award-winning designer jewelry is sure to impress. Follow us on Instagram for updates on new arrivals and special offers. Your satisfaction is our accomplishment, as showcased by our positive customer reviews.

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