HomeWHYWhy Do My Headlights Flicker

Why Do My Headlights Flicker

“Why are my headlights flickering?” is a common Google search term that drivers type in when they notice problems with their car. As you know, headlights are a critical part of the car that no one wants to see fail.

If your headlights are flickering, you should not worry too much – it is commonly not a severe problem, but may lead to something more serious. On the good side, it might be something that comes with a quick fix in your nearest service center in Dubai.

Below, we are listing some of the most common scenarios with flickering headlights.

  • Dead battery

The first possible issue that you might be facing, and probably the most logical one, is your battery which might be going flat soon. An old, faulty, or worn out battery can cause a stoppage in some or all of your car’s electrical systems, which includes the headlights.

You can tell when a battery is going flat when your lights dim and your radio shuts off. On average, the typical car battery lasts between 3 to 5 years, mostly depending on how much you drive, as well as some other factors. If a dying or dead battery is something you are facing, don’t hesitate to book your appointment in our Stop&Go service stations and get an immediate battery replacement.

  • Failing alternator

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When your alternator is failing, your car’s electrical output will suffer. Some of the common signs of this include flickering, dimming, or headlights that are inoperative. As the headlights depend on the power that comes from your car battery when the alternator is unable to charge it, you will likely spot losses and the vehicle’s electrical system will drain the battery. A scenario like this is a surefire sign to have your alternator checked by a qualified technician and see if it needs to be fixed or replaced.

To sum things up, your flickering headlights are most probably an indicator of a failing alternator or a scenario that indicates troubles charging the battery.

  • Excessive power drain

If you fine-tuned your vehicle with a high-powered surround stereo system that draws a lot of power, seeing your headlights flickering is something you’d expect. Strong noises from the bass will make your car interior and exterior pulsate, which is why you shouldn’t be surprised if your headlights flicker as well.

However, thre might be other scenarios, too, such as faulty engine components (bad fuel pump, broken window motor, malfunctioning AC unit, etc.). When these break and stop working, they still might draw electricity, building up an excess of heat in the engine.

  • Faulty wiring

If you bought a used car and are noticing its headlights flickering, the previous owner might have installed aftermarket systems and parts, which led to faulty wiring. The truth is, there are many car owners interested in aftermarket tuning – right until their wires get mixed up or damaged. All of this causes the electrical systems to randomly go out, which means flickering for your headlights.

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If you suspect that bad wiring is the cause of your flickering headlights, don’t wait before taking your car to a trusted professional. If ignored, faulty wires might cause your car to catch fire, and even explode.

  • Loose electrical connection

Lastly, headlights that flicker may be a sign of a loose connection. The car’s electrical system is complex and made of plenty of wires, fuses, and assorted connections. Even if a single one of these is loose, you will notice issues such as flickering headlights. Rough roads are a good reason behind loose connections, where the bouncing rapidly disconnects parts.

You will agree that it’s tricky to check any wiring on your own, which is why you shouldn’t think twice before visiting your nearest Stop&Go service station. We will inspect your wiring and electrical systems and detect the root cause of your problem.

We hope that this article helped you see some of the main reasons behind flickering headlights. Need a better look at your vehicle?

Book your appointment at Stop&Go today!


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