Why Do My Nintendo Switch Controllers Keep Disconnecting

How To Fix a Switch Joy Con Controller that Keeps Disconnecting The Nintendo Switch is a great gaming unit that usually works well for many users.

As good as it is, it can have issues at times, including the Joy Con controllers.

One such problem with the controllers is disconnecting and reconnecting, which can be very annoying.

Why Does My Joy Con Keep Disconnecting On My Switch?

Why Do My Joy Con Controllers Keep Disconnecting On My Switch When a Nintendo Switch and the controllers keeps disconnecting, there are two main fixes.

The first fix is to disconnect and then reconnect the Joy-Cons from inside settings, which often solves issues.

The second main fix is to clean the connections with compressed air and restart the unit.

If the controller does not work after doing these fixes, it has often gone bad and needs to be replaced.

Be sure to check for any updates and restart the unit before replacing it.

3 Main Fixes When a Switch Controller Keeps Disconnecting

  • Disconnect and Reconnect the Joy Cons

Disconnecting and reconnecting the controllers can often solve the issues in some cases.

To Disconnect the controllers, go to System Settings -> Controllers and Sensors -> Disconnect and hold the X button for the controllers to Disconnect. Disconnect and Reconnect the Joy Cons

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Unplug both Joy-cons from the Switch, then go to the controllers section and select change grip. Disconnect and Reconnect the Joy Cons 2 Press the small button on both Joy cons until they Pair with the Switch.

Use Compressed Air To Blow Out any Debris from Controllers

Use Compressed Air To Blow Out any Debris from Controllers The Joy Cons can sometimes get debris inside them that stops them from working correctly.

Compressed air can be used to blow out the controllers and connections.

Often blowing out the buttons and connections along with restarting Switch solves connection issues.

Controller Has Failed and Needs Replaced

Controller Has Failed and Needs Replaced If you try the steps above and the Joy Con is still having issues, it may have gone bad and failed.

There are low-cost replacement units available online from eBay, Amazon, and more.

Summary The Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers can have issues at times, such as drift and randomly disconnecting.

The main fix is to disconnect them manually from within settings and then Pair them again.

Cleaning the controllers with compressed air can also help to clean up any bad connections which can stop them from working.

Have you had issues with the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers disconnecting and reconnecting? Let us know your thoughts below.

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