HomeWHYWhy Do My Piercings Itch

Why Do My Piercings Itch

An itchy piercing is certainly nothing to worry about. On the contrary, it is a sign of healing. Read here how this happens and what you can do about it!

Why does my piercing itch?

You may have noticed before that a wound starts itching after a while. Terrible because you can’t stay away from it and it can sometimes drive you crazy! A piercing is also, in theory, a open wound and must heal. The reason why a wound itches as it heals is because the nerves new connections are making at that time and they are interrupted at the inserted piercing. During the trajectory of the nerve, proteins are produced by the nerve branches. Those proteins cause the itching. As with everything else in the body, a sensation/pulse goes from the nerve to the brain and this creates a sensation of itching.

It may happen that a healed wound/piercing itchy. That’s because every wound leaves a scar, and those have a other density. With a lot of moisture in the air, the skin around the scar expands more, which can cause a pulling sensation or itching.

Itching on your piercing can also occur due to an nickel allergy. This is a common allergy. You get an allergic reaction when your skin comes in contact with objects that contain nickel. This can be anywhere on the body. The symptoms read below.

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– Red itchy rash- After a while, the skin around the piercing begins to flake- Sometimes blisters can be seen and it may be moist

The symptoms go away after a while and you can live perfectly symptom-free if you avoid nickel. However, should the symptoms get worse (pain, swelling, inflammation) contact your family doctor or dermatologist immediately. You can get a skin plaque test/allergy test (adhesive test, patch test) take. The test reveals whether or not it is a nickel allergy. Unfortunately, a nickel allergy is not curable. The best thing you can do is avoid objects that contain nickel. The itching and rash, however, can be treated with a hormone ointment.

What can you do about an itchy piercing?

Below is a list of what you can do about an itchy piercing.

– Let it rest and heal- Staying off as much as possible (easier said than done), the more you fiddle with it, the greater the chance of infection- As long as possible do not try to swim or bathe during the healing period- Use an alcohol-free soap- Do not use ointment, oil, or other cosmetics- Do not use disinfectants- Having running water stand out (helps against itching)

At Inksane, we do not offer jewelry with nickel or lead. Therefore, you cannot have a nickel allergy. We work only with quality materials and jewelry. You will get adequate explanation on your questions with us. Would you like to make an appointment? Do so via the button below and who knows, we might see each other soon!

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