HomeWHYWhy Do My Socks Keep Getting Holes

Why Do My Socks Keep Getting Holes

Worn socks with a hole and a finger sticking out of them

Holy moly!

You grabbed a pair of socks, but you find a hole or several holes in them.

When you have holes in your socks, it can ruin the look of your outfit and make you feel uncomfortable.

You need to discover the culprit and resolve the issue in order to keep your socks intact.

We will cover 10 reasons you get holes in your socks and how to prevent them.

Holes In Socks (10 Reasons & How To Prevent)

1. Poor Quality Socks

Couch potato

Cheap socks will generate holes much more quickly than high quality socks.

Socks from the dollar store can seem tempting, especially when they have a holiday theme, but you can’t expect them to hold up as well as a high-quality pair of socks from a department store.

Socks lose strength with time, too, so old socks will also be more likely to break down.

Most socks, if they are worn once a week, should last up to a year.

How To Prevent It

The best way to prevent holes in your socks thanks to poor quality socks is to buy high-quality socks.

The extra money is worth it if the socks last longer than expected.

However, how do you know what makes a pair of socks more high quality than another pair?

The highest quality socks come from cervelt fiber, which you find from a species of New Zealand Red Deer.

This fiber is so rare, we can only get 20 grams of cervelt from a deer each year.

Since cervelt is difficult to get ahold of and extremely expensive, most people opt for cotton.

Peruvian Pima cotton makes the most high-quality socks available thanks to their long, soft fibers which are resistant to pilling.

Manufacturers must weave the material as tightly as possible to get the best durability.

The best machines available at this time are CNC-controlled knitting machines.

It’s also important to remember that many dyes can deteriorate the material of a pair of socks.

Cotton comes in a natural off-white color.

Other colors can mean a lower quality unless the manufacturer takes the proper precautions to dye the socks in a safe and careful manner.

When your socks do reach a certain age, which will happen no matter the quality of the fabric, it’s time to get new ones.

2. Thin Material

Holes in socks

Most socks are made out of cotton.

However, many dress socks use less sturdy material, especially nylon.

The thin material allows for a more luxurious look.

Ask any woman, and she’ll tell you how careful she needs to be not to snag her nylons.

That’s because nylons are especially thin.

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All thin socks made out of nylon are especially fragile.

It often seems they will fall apart with just the slightest touch.

How To Prevent It

Start by buying thick socks made from thick material.

If you must have nylon, don’t fight it.

Just be sure you know how to care for the nylon socks.

Be gentle with them.

You should minimize the stress you put the socks through.

You may even consider wearing two pairs of socks to minimize the amount of friction your socks will experience.

If you do see a snag, clear nail polish is your best friend.

You can apply clear nail polish to the hole before letting the snag grow and become more noticeable.

When you get home, the socks completed their service.

You can also look for thin socks specifically designed for strength.

Some brands strive to create dress socks that still hold up to everyday wear and tear.

3. Improper Folding

Neatly organized and not so organized socks

Many of us have to admit that we throw socks into a sock drawer without folding them from time to time, especially if we can’t find matches to the socks.

However, that can lead to a holy mistake.

When not folded properly, the socks are more vulnerable to things that can create a hole.

You will also end up digging through your drawers, potentially damaging your socks in the process.

How To Prevent It

Taking that little bit of extra time to fold your socks is all you need to do to prevent holes caused by carelessness.

In most cases, you simply need to fold the socks into each other.

Some people choose to fold their socks in an even more specific way.

It’s not just about folding the socks.

You also need to store them carefully.

If you throw socks into the drawer haphazardly, you may close the sock drawer on the fabric or allow hard plastic or metal from other items to pierce your socks.

You can always find a sock organizer.

4. Not Wearing Shoes

Legs of a woman in jeans and socks walking on the wooden floor

Walking around the house without shoes leaves your socks more vulnerable.

You never know when you’ll run into something sharp on the floor, such as a nail or a piece of glass.

This is especially important outside, but you can find yourself in trouble when walking around inside as well.

How To Prevent It

Do you have a pair of slippers?

With those, the problem is solved while you’re inside.

You can still wear your favorite socks, but you won’t have to worry about damaging them.

It’s also important to keep your floors as clean as possible.

If you allow debris to build up on the floor, you may not know what you could step on if you aren’t careful.

If you accidentally break a glass or a plate, all glass should be picked up as quickly as possible.

If you plan to head outside to take out the garbage or grab something from the car, you should always wear your shoes.

As frustrating or time-consuming it may seem to put on your shoes for something that will only take two seconds, ruining your socks will be even more frustrating.

5. Not Washing Socks Correctly

A Man Puts A Pair Of Dirty Socks Inside The Laundry Machine For Washing

If you throw red socks in with the whites, you might end up with some pink socks.

While pink may be in style, you don’t want to dye your socks unintentionally.

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Even worse, you don’t want to put socks into the washer and start it without knowing the best way to wash those particular socks.

How To Prevent It

Separate your laundry.

Keep whites with whites.

Only wash colors with colors.

Also, of course, you want to keep delicates with other delicates.

You should also be extremely careful about what items go into the washing machine with your socks.

Be sure to read the washing instructions on your socks very carefully.

Some socks require a gentle wash cycle.

Other socks require warm water or cold water (though cold tends to be better).

In most cases, you will opt for a gentle wash cycle as well as a mild detergent.

Fragile socks, such as nylons, are the most difficult to wash and require the most care.

Some socks also won’t make it through a cycle in the dryer.

The heat can deteriorate the material.

If you can hang dry your socks instead of throwing them into the dryer, that can be better for them.

You should also use fabric softener when washing your socks.

Fabric softener, despite the name, can actually make the fibers in your socks stronger.

6. Foot Hygiene

Beautiful female a foot and a heel

Do you ever hear a “joke” from your significant other about how you cut them with your long toenails?

It might not be a joke.

Not only are you hurting your partner in their sleep, but you can also be stabbing through your socks.

You will especially notice holes on the top of your socks by your toes.

If your feet get overly sweaty, this can lead to a problem as well.

Socks will stick to sweaty feet more than non-sweaty feet.

When stuck, the fabric won’t be able to move with your feet as they move.

How To Prevent It

Find the clippers and cut your toenails.

In fact, you should do this regularly about once a week.

In order to do this, you’ll need a pedicure set (or at least a pair of toenail clippers).

Keep the clippers in the same place in your bathroom to ensure that you know where they are when you need to use them.

If you don’t like doing your own toenails, you can visit a spa to get your nails done by a professional.

However, the cost can add up rather quickly.

You should also do your part to keep your feet from getting overly sweaty.

You can do this by buying breathable socks.

You can also use baby powder on your feet to manage any sweat you experience.

You can also keep your feet moisturized using a simple all-purpose moisturizer before putting on your socks in the morning.

7. Uneven Steps

worn out socks with a hole or torn

Your socks are made to share the weight of your steps.

If one sock or one part of your socks gets a disproportionate amount of stress, it will break down before expected.

However, some people walk differently than most of the rest of the world.

For example, a ballerina may walk on their toes more often than others.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, some people walk quite forcefully by stepping on the backs of their feet.

How To Prevent It

When you explain your goals, a professional can help you reach those goals.

First, you need to identify the problem.

Learn about your bad habits when it comes to walking and retrain your body to walk in a different way with the help of a physical trainer or yoga instructor.

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Since the most common areas that become affected include the toes and heels, you can also look for socks specifically designed to protect these areas.

Some socks even have reinforced heels that can protect that particular part of your sock.

8. Allowing Pets To Chew On Them

naughty german shorthair pointer puppy chewing on a sock

Many of us have lost many socks to a pet.

In fact, someone’s bunny might be chewing on an old sock right now.

Almost everyone has or had pets who like to chew on things when they feel anxious.

In fact, pet on sock crime has become an increasing problem.

It doesn’t matter what type of pet you have.

Dogs, cats, rabbits, lizards, and a wide range of other pets can develop a taste for fabric of all kinds.

How To Prevent It

To prevent your pets from getting at your socks, keep your socks secured away from your pet’s reach.

Always keep your sock drawer closed, and don’t leave socks on the ground.

You should also use a laundry basket that protects your clothing from your pets, too.

You should also keep an eye on your pet at all times.

If the pets also have other toys to chew on, the toys can distract them from chewing on your socks.

9. Loose Threads

Pair of socks with hole and a finger sticking out of them

A small snag can lead to your sock leaving a thread exposed.

That thread looks awful hanging from your sock, and it is the first sign of deterioration.

If you have loose threads coming from your socks, you may feel a temptation to pull on the threads to get rid of them.

Unfortunately, pulling the threads can cause the socks to fall apart.

How To Prevent It

If you notice loose threads, don’t pull them.

If you must get rid of them, you should cut them as opposed to pulling them.

You can also use a thread and needle to restore the socks to their natural condition.

Turn the sock inside out.

Then, thread your needle and sew as near to the snag as possible.

If the snag occurs outside of the seam, you won’t be able to completely restore the socks to their original state.

However, the snag will be on the inside of the sock where it will not be visible from the outside.

10. Wrong Size

Man pass fingers thru big hole in black sock close-up

Some people assume that socks come in primarily “one size fits all”.

However, it’s important to get the correct size socks for your feet.

You don’t want the socks to be too long either at the toes or the heel.

This makes it easier for you to step on the material and create holes.

You also don’t want the socks to be too tight, stretching the material.

How To Prevent It

Buy the correct size socks.

This can take a little bit of trial and error in the beginning.

If you aren’t completely sure of your proper sock size, try the two closest sizes and see which socks feel the best.

Those are the ones that are likely to last the longest.

In many cases, people benefit from going up one sock size (but not more than that).

It’s also important to remember that different types of socks may run large or small.

You should research a new brand before you make a purchase to buy the best size for you.


You can’t completely prevent your socks from getting holes in them.

However, you can take action to minimize it as much as possible.

Start by washing and storing your socks properly.

If you do start to notice holes in your socks, consider if you have the right size.

You should also buy high-end socks and keep your toenails trimmed.

Of course, you can wear sandals as much as possible to eliminate the need for socks at all.

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