HomeWHYWhy Do Newborn Puppies Cry While Nursing

Why Do Newborn Puppies Cry While Nursing

Newborn puppies, despite their tiny size, can be… surprisingly vocal! Right after birth, these little furballs express themselves through a symphony of sounds, ranging from soft whimpers and gentle mews… to more insistent yelps and persistent cries. When I discuss this topic in my presentations, people tell me that often, what catches their attention the most is what they interpret as ‘crying.’ And they wonder: “What does it mean?” In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind these cries, and decipher the language of newborn puppies. And when it comes to newborn puppy care, this is an important skill to have I believe!

  1. Why Is My Newborn Puppy Crying?
    1. Understanding Newborn PuppY Behaviour
    2. Signs of Hunger in Newborn Puppies: Decoding Their Needs
    3. The Impact of Cold on Newborn Puppies
    4. Helping Puppies with Urination and Defecation
    5. Recognizing Illness Symptoms in Puppies
  2. How to Comfort a Crying Newborn Puppy
    1. Providing Adequate Nutrition for Puppies and Their Mother
    2. Ensuring the Right Temperature for Puppy Comfort
    3. The Importance of Mother’s Presence for Puppies
    4. When to Seek Veterinary Help for Crying Puppies
  3. Common Health Concerns in Crying Newborn Puppies
    1. Detecting and Addressing Digestive Issues in Puppies
    2. Identifying Signs of Hypothermia in Puppies
    3. Recognizing Signs of Abnormal Behavior in Newborn Puppies

Why Is My Newborn Puppy Crying?

A concerned pet owner gently holding and examining a crying newborn puppy, symbolizing the topic

Understanding Newborn PuppY Behaviour

When it comes to newborn puppies, understanding their basic needs is crucial for their healthy development. These little bundles of joy, though fragile, communicate their needs in various ways, and being attuned to their behavior is key for any pet owner or caregiver.

From the moment they are born, puppies rely heavily on their mother and the environment provided by their caregivers. And one of the most noticeable aspects of newborn puppy behavior is their vocalizations. While these may seem like mere whimpers or squeaks, they are actually critical indicators of the puppy’s well-being.

Actually, newborn puppies crying is a normal part of their early development and can be influenced by various factors, including maternal behavior and environmental conditions.

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Those are actually the two elements you should always assess when you hear them crying: the mother AND the newborn puppies’ environment.

A newborn puppy’s cry often sounds like a high-pitched, repetitive whimper or yelp. And overall, crying in newborn puppies is a sign of their dependency and a call for maternal care – which is crucial for their development obviously!

As a caregiver, observing and responding to these behaviors is vital. Each whimper, movement, or change in behavior is a communication from the puppy about their needs.

Signs of Hunger in Newborn Puppies: Decoding Their Needs

Hunger is a critical aspect of the newborn puppies’ behavior. We often say that during the first couple of weeks after they are born, newborn puppies have two main activities: sleeping… and nursing!

And a puppy that is not nursing well might cry more persistently or appear restless basically. This behavior calls for a closer inspection to ensure they are receiving adequate nutrition, either from their mother or, if necessary, through hand-feeding.

Persistent CryingOne of the most obvious signs of hunger in a newborn puppy is continuous cryingRestlessnessou might notice them moving around more than usualhis restlessness is a search for foodNursing BehaviorA puppy that latches on and off frequently or seems to struggle while nursing may not be getting enough milk.Puppies should have a rounded, not bloated, belly
Key Indicators of Hunger in Newborn Puppies

The Impact of Cold on Newborn Puppies

Right after birth, newborn puppies experience a significant drop in body temperature, which can cause crying.

This instinctive crying is a natural response to their very first experience in the outside world.

Right after birth then, crying is therefore a typical and healthy sign in newborn puppies, often used in evaluating their vitality through methods like the APGAR scores. I strongly suggest incorporating these assessments in your kennels to monitor their well-being effectively for sure!

Lethargy If a puppy is less active than usual or seems weak, it could be a reaction to low temperatures. a sign of discomfort due to coldCold puppies may refuse to nurse or show less interest in feeding
Identifying Symptoms of Puppies Suffering from Cold

Newborn puppies are highly predisposed to hypothermia as they cannot regulate their own body temperature during the first 3 weeks after birth. Check this blog to learn everything you need to know about this condition and how to prevent it:

Newborn Puppies Temperature: The Critical Factor You Can’t Ignore

Helping Puppies with Urination and Defecation

Newborn puppies don’t have the ability to urinate or defecate on their own during the first 3 weeks after birth. Normally, their mother stimulates these functions by licking the genital and anal areas.

This not only keeps the puppies clean but also encourages the necessary bodily functions that are crucial for their health.

Properly assisting newborn puppies with urination and defecation is a vital aspect of newborn puppy care, because if the mother doesn’t adequately stimulate them, the puppies may experience constipation, leading to discomfort… and resulting in their crying.

Stimulation TechniqueThis can be done by gently rubbing a warm, damp cloth or cotton ball over the puppy’s genital and anal areas. Frequency of StimulationPuppies need to be stimulated to urinate and defecate after every feeding.Watching for Signs of Digestive Issues
Assisting Newborn Puppies with Urination and Defecation

Recognizing Illness Symptoms in Puppies

Being vigilant about illness symptoms in puppies is critical, especially during their early stages of life. Newborn puppies are particularly vulnerable due to their developing immune systems. Understanding and recognizing the signs of health issues can ensure prompt and appropriate care, vital for their overall well-being.

Persistent Whining or Cryingexcessive or persistent crying can be a sign of discomfort or illness.Lethargy or WeaknessWeight LossWeight monitoring is crucial when it comes to newborn puppy carePhysical Symptoms
Key Symptoms of Illness in Newborn Puppies

How to Comfort a Crying Newborn Puppy

A serene and compassionate moment of comforting a newborn puppy, featuring a gentle human hand or a nurturing mother dog softly cradling or soothing a small, content puppy.

Providing Adequate Nutrition for Puppies and Their Mother

Adequate nutrition is fundamental for the health and development of both newborn puppies and their mother. Ensuring that the mother dog is well-nourished is crucial, as it directly impacts her milk production, which in turn, is essential for the puppies’ growth and well-being.

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High-Quality Growth dietLactation is THE most demanding lifestage.A growth diet, like a puppy diet is recommended during this period to support healthy milk production. Increased Food IntakeIn fact, this is the reason why free-feeding is advised during lactation. Access to Fresh Water
Nutritional Needs of the Mother Dog during Lactation

Ensuring the Right Temperature for Puppy Comfort

Maintaining the right temperature for newborn puppies is not just about comfort; it’s a critical health issue. Proper temperature regulation is particularly important in preventing conditions like what I call “the 3-H syndrome” (hypothermia, hypoglycemia and dehydration), which can occur in puppies when their body temperature drops too low.

Something you MUST remember: newborn puppies are unable to regulate their body temperature during the first 3 weeks after birth. And when they become hypothermic, they can digest no more…

I’ve thoroughly explored this subject in a previous blog post. Check it out to discover all my advice on this topic:

Newborn Puppies Temperature: The Critical Factor You Can’t Ignore

Interested to learn more about canine neonatology? Download my free ebook on the topic

The Importance of Mother’s Presence for Puppies

The presence of a mother dog is not just comforting for puppies; it is essential for their overall development and well-being. As mentioned earlier in this blog, newborn puppies often cry to seek maternal care. It’s important to understand and correctly interpret the mother’s response to these calls.

The maternal response to puppy cries indeed evolves over time; initially (right after birth), the mother might be less responsive to cries but becomes more attentive as the puppies grow.

Several studies have been done on how to evaluate maternal care in canines, and there are some interesting findings:

  • At birth, the female dog appears to be insensitive to the crying of the puppies and only begins to respond to their crying after all puppies are born typically;
  • Maternal care is influenced by the age of the puppy: during the first week after whelping, female dogs are usually more responsive to the cryings; as puppies get older, this decreases;
  • The litter size plays a role as well here: mothers with fewer puppies (1 to 5) appear to dedicate more time to individual puppies;
  • The number of litters the mother had previously: in my experience, first-time mothers (primiparous females) often seem to lack proper maternal skills. However, research on the topic reveals a different trend: it’s actually more common for experienced mothers (multiparous females) to show less maternal care than their first-time counterparts, a finding I find quite intriguing.

I think this highlights the importance of maximizing maternal care for newborn puppies.

Genetic selection plays a role, certainly, and remember that strategies like employing pheromones in the maternity area have been shown to effectively enhance maternal behavior after birth. In my view, this is definitely an option worth considering!

Emotional ComfortFeeding and NutritionStimulating Physical Functions
Mother’s Role in Newborn Puppy Development

When to Seek Veterinary Help for Crying Puppies

While crying is a normal behavior for puppies, certain signs and symptoms may indicate that it’s time to consult a professional. Knowing when to seek veterinary care for puppies can ensure timely intervention for any underlying health issues.

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Persistent CryingPersistent crying is a sign that the puppy needs medical attention.Changes in Behavior Physical SymptomsFailure to Thrive
Recognizing the Signs That Warrant Veterinary Attention

Common Health Concerns in Crying Newborn Puppies

a veterinary professional examining a group of newborn puppies, highlighting common health concerns in newborn puppies.

Detecting and Addressing Digestive Issues in Puppies

Detecting and addressing digestive issues in puppies is a key aspect of ensuring their healthy development.

Bloating and Gas: If a puppy’s belly appears swollen or they seem to be experiencing gas, these could be signs of digestive discomfort. Bloating in particular can be a serious issue in puppies. Remember also that bloating can be a consequence of bottle feeding/tube feeding a newborn that is hypothermic.

Diet and Feeding PracticesGentle MassageMonitoring EliminationVeterinary Consultation
Addressing Puppy Bloating and Discomfort

Regurgitation or Vomiting: Pay attention to whether the puppy regurgitates milk or has episodes of vomiting. This can be a sign of overfeeding, swallowing air during feeding, or more serious digestive issues.

Changes in Stool: Keep an eye on the puppy’s stool. Diarrhea or constipation can be indicators of digestive problems and should be addressed promptly.

Discomfort After Feeding: If a puppy seems uncomfortable, restless, or cries after feeding, it might be experiencing digestive discomfort.

The blog posts below will provide further details on these conditions and how to manage them:

White Stools In Newborn Puppies & Kittens: What Does it Mean?

Newborn Puppy Won’t Nurse? Helpful Tips for Concerned Owners

42 Eye-Opening Truths About Fading Puppy Syndrome

Toxic Milk Syndrome: What You Need to Know

Puppy & Kitten Bottle Feeding: The Essentials

Burping Post-FeedingGentle Pats on the BackMonitoring the Effectiveness
Implementing “Puppy Burping Techniques: One often overlooked yet important practice in managing puppy digestion is burping, especially for bottle-fed puppies. Implementing effective puppy burping techniques can significantly alleviate discomfort associated with digestive problems.

Identifying Signs of Hypothermia in Puppies

Identifying signs of hypothermia in puppies is crucial, particularly as it can lead to puppy growth abnormalities and other serious health issues.

Puppies are highly susceptible to temperature changes, and understanding the signs of hypothermia can ensure timely and effective intervention.

This topic is extensively covered in the following blogs, refer to them to learn all tips and tricks to prevent this life-threatening condition in newborn puppies:

Newborn Puppies Temperature: The Critical Factor You Can’t Ignore

Newborn Puppy Care: The A-to-Z of Nurturing New Beginnings

Recognizing Signs of Abnormal Behavior in Newborn Puppies

Recognizing signs of abnormal behavior in puppies is an essential aspect of ensuring their health and well-being. Among these behaviors, difficulties in nursing can be a significant indicator of underlying issues that require attention.

Excessive Whining or Crying: While puppies naturally communicate through whining, excessive or constant crying can indicate discomfort or distress. This could be related to hunger, pain, or other discomforts, including nursing difficulties.

Reluctance or Inability to Nurse: One of the earliest signs of a problem in puppies is a reluctance or inability to nurse properly. This can stem from a range of issues, from competition with littermates to physical problems like a cleft palate or weakness.

Isolation from the Litter: Puppies that consistently isolate themselves from their littermates or seem disinterested in group activities may be experiencing health or behavioral issues.

Lack of Coordination or Lethargy: Unusual clumsiness or a general lack of energy can be signs of developmental issues, nutritional deficiencies, or other health concerns.

Observation During FeedingEnsuring Equal Access to FoodCreating a Supportive EnvironmentConsulting a Veterinarian
Addressing Newborn Puppy Nursing Difficulties

The cries of newborn puppies are far more than just sounds; they’re vital indicators of their needs and well-being. This blog has hopefully enhanced your understanding and ability to interpret these cries effectively. Remember, as I often say in this field, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” By attentively listening to these cries, we can identify puppies that may be at risk. While, as I emphasize in my presentations, relying solely on these sounds isn’t enough – a more proactive monitoring approach is preferable – acknowledging and responding to these cries is a crucial, simple step that can greatly aid in the care and health of newborn puppies.


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