HomeWHYWhy Do People Cover Horses Eyes

Why Do People Cover Horses Eyes

Have you ever wondered why some horses wear eye covers? While it may seem strange to some people, covering a horse’s eyes is a common practice among horse owners. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this practice and answer some common questions about why horses need to have their eyes covered.

Why do people cover horses eyes?

One of the main reasons why people cover horses’ eyes is to protect their sight. Unlike humans, horses have eyes that are more susceptible to injury, and their eyesight is essential for their survival. Horse eye covers provide a barrier against debris, dust, insects, and sun glare which can cause the horse’s eyes to tear up, become irritated or cause conjunctivitis.

Jennifer Miller, a horse owner and veterinarian, explains, “Horses are very prone to eye injuries, especially when they’re out in open pastures running around with their herd mates. While some horses will protect their eyes themselves, other horses may be more curious and won’t think twice about running into something.”

In addition to protecting a horse’s eyesight, some horse owners may put covers on their horse’s eyes when they’re being ridden or trained, especially if the horse is easily distracted. Eye covers can reduce the horse’s peripheral vision and help them focus on the task at hand.

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Does covering horses’ eyes calm them down?

There’s a common belief that covering a horse’s eyes can calm them down, but this is not always the case. While some horses may become calmer when their eyes are covered, other horses may become more anxious, especially if they’re not used to wearing eye covers.

“It really depends on the horse,” says Miller. “Some horses become very agitated when they feel like they can’t see everything around them, while other horses may find the eye covers calming.”

Is it necessary to cover horses’ eyes during transport?

One situation where covering a horse’s eyes becomes necessary is during transport. When a horse is being transported, they may become stressed and uneasy due to the unfamiliar surroundings and movement. Wearing eye covers can help to reduce the horse’s stress and keep them calm during transport.

According to the American Association of Equine Practitioners, “Covering the eyes of a horse that is being transported can help reduce stress and prevent injury. Horses that are covered with a mask or hood during transport tend to move less and have fewer accidents.”

Do all horses need their eyes covered?

Not all horses need to have their eyes covered, and the decision to cover a horse’s eyes should be made on a case-by-case basis. Horses that are kept in indoor arenas or stables may not need eye covers if they’re not exposed to elements which irritate their eyes. But, if a horse is kept outside or transported frequently, eye covers are an excellent protective measure to keep them healthy and free from eye injuries.

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It’s essential to note that eye covers should not be used as a substitute for providing a horse with a safe, well-maintained environment, and plenty of opportunities for exercise and socialization with other horses.


In conclusion, covering a horse’s eyes is a common practice among horse owners to protect their eyesight from damage and irritation. While eye covers can reduce a horse’s peripheral vision and help them focus, they’re not always necessary or calming for horses. Eye covers become necessary during transport, and the decision to cover a horse’s eyes should be made on a case-by-case basis based on the horse’s living environment and sensitivity.


U.S. Department of Agriculture (2011). Transport of horses. Retrieved from www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/horse

American Association of Equine Practitioners (2018). Transporting your horse. Retrieved from www.aaep.org/health_articles_view.php?id=358


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