HomeWHYWhy Do Siamese Cats Bite So Much

Why Do Siamese Cats Bite So Much


Although they are generally lovable and friendly, Siamese cats are prone to problematic behaviour that can occasionally turn into aggression. If they are in a safe and comfortable environment where they can be active and in the centre of attention, a Siamese will be the most affectionate companion ever. Make them uncomfortable or give them a reason to be jealous, and you will meet their mean side.

Are Siamese cats aggressive? Untamed explains your kitty’s violent outbursts and how proper care and nourishment can positively affect their problematic attitude.

Are Siamese cats mean?

Siamese cats are more territorial and assertive than many other breeds and always in the mood for mischief. If you don’t create a stimulating environment where they can release their incredible energy and use their intelligence, Siamese cats will find a way to entertain themselves, and you probably won’t like it.

It’s important to note that there is a difference between being mischievous and mean. If a Siamese doesn’t like lying in their parent’s lap cuddling for hours, it doesn’t mean they are mean. These felines are active, i.e. not your typical lap cats, which is something you will have to accept. Asserting dominance through force is also a common Siamese trait.

We cuddled yesterday, hooman. Give me some action today.

Source: Angela Handfest

Scratching, biting, growling, and attacking are clear signs of aggression, and you should not tolerate this behaviour. If your Siamese is hurt or scared, such a reaction is expected, but if you can’t see an apparent reason for aggression, you should dig deeper to discover the root cause and resolve the issue.

Why are Siamese cats aggressive?

Common reasons why Siamese cats become aggressive include:

  1. Frustration
  2. Socialisation problems
  3. Chronic stress and anxiety
  4. Fear
  5. Past trauma

Siamese cats can become mean when frustrated

Siamese cats are needy and demand constant attention. When they can’t get what they want, they often become frustrated and resort to hostile behaviour, called redirected aggression.

Several situations can cause frustration, such as:

  • Jealousy—Siamese cats are generally friendly and love the company of people and other pets, but they can become jealous of a new person or pet and become angry and violent
  • Changes in routine—If you break your feline’s daily routine (change their mealtime or grooming time), they can feel destabilised and turn violent
  • Lack of attention—If you ignore your Siamese, they will find ways to get your attention, and their methods might not be subtle or tender
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The solution to this problem is straightforward:

All I want is your constant, undivided attention. Is that too much to ask?

Source: Danny ZHANG

  • Set a feeding, grooming, and training schedule and stick to it
  • Play with your Siamese cat every day
  • Provide loads of toys and feeding puzzles
  • Introduce them to new family members slowly and with a lot of praise and treats

Behavioural problems often stem from inadequate socialisation

The lack of socialisation during kittenhood is one of the leading causes of aggression in Siamese cats because they can become extremely territorial and attack other pets and people.

Cat parents should introduce growing kittens to other cats, pets, people, and children. It’s essential to desensitise a kitten by gradually exposing them to all possible sources of fear.

Siamese cats stress easily

Siamese cats can quickly become stressed, and the most common causes include:

  • Frequent arguments among family members
  • Changes in the environment (new family members, pets, or a new home)

Each feline can react differently to stressors, and typical reactions are:

  • Lethargy—A Siamese will become passive, sleep more, lose appetite, and spend time alone
  • Compulsive behaviour—Siamese cats are prone to obsessive-compulsive disorders, such as overgrooming, which can cause hair loss
  • Aggression—Stress can make Siamese cats exhibit feisty behaviour towards their humans

If your cat becomes stressed, you will have to change their lifestyle. Create a calmer and safer environment and give them a lot of attention. In some cases, antidepressants may be necessary, so consult with your vet if all other methods fail.

Fear is a prevalent cause of aggression

Fear can cause violent reactions in felines, so it’s crucial to recognise the signs of panic before it turns into aggression. You will know a Siamese cat is scared if:

  • Their pupils are dilated
  • They shift their weight laterally
  • The tail and hair appear bigger
  • Your cat starts hissing
  • Their ears droop

Cats use body language to show they are scared. Take it as a sign to leave them alone for a while.

Source: luca Finardi

If you attempt contact with a cat exhibiting fear, they may attack you. Try to understand what scared them and eliminate the threat. If there is no apparent cause for fear, give your cat some space. Let them come to you and try not to be overly enthusiastic when they do because it may frighten them.

Traumatic experiences can make your Siamese feral

If a Siamese cat is aggressive, there is a chance they have been through something traumatic. Healing trauma is a challenging process, but with a lot of love and patience, you can provide your Siamese with a comfortable environment where they will learn to feel safe.

It’s crucial to determine what triggers your feline’s aggression. Understanding the psychological mechanism leading to violence allows you to prevent such behaviour.

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Your Siamese might be aggressive due to a health problem

Illnesses cause discomfort and pain, so your Siamese can react violently if you try to hold or touch them. If you are confident that nothing has frightened your cat and can’t figure out why they are lashing out, it’s time to visit a vet.

Siamese cats are prone to:

  1. Skin and coat issues
  2. Bladder and kidney disease
  3. Weight problems

Skin and coat issues in Siamese cats

Check out the table below to learn about the most common skin-related illnesses Siamese cats are susceptible to:




The feline hyperesthesia syndrome

  • A cat’s skin becomes overly sensitive, causing them to lick and scratch excessively
  • Your Siamese may feel discomfort if you try to pet or hold them and react aggressively
  • Parasites
  • Fungal infection
  • Food allergies
  • Allergies to particles in the environment

Psychogenic alopecia

  • It’s an obsessive-compulsive disorder which causes a cat to self-groom for hours, leading to the loss of fur
  • Anxiety
  • Boredom
  • Chronic stress
  • Psychological trauma

Bladder and kidney diseases

Felines are prone to bladder and kidney diseases because they are not avid water drinkers. Your Siamese may suffer from:

  • Urinary tract infections
  • Bladder stones
  • Cystitis

These issues can cause kidney damage in time.

Nutrition plays an essential role in preventing these health problems and managing them.

Excessive weight and related illnesses

Obesity is an increasing problem among felines and can lead to or worsen many health conditions.

Obese Siamese cats are less active and not as sociable.

Source: Thomas Svensson

Common weight-related issues in Siamese cats are:

  • Hip dysplasia—It’s a degenerative disease that causes a malformation of a hip joint, accompanied by stiffness and pain. Affected felines have trouble jumping, experience a decreased range of motion, and often become irritable due to discomfort. Obesity can contribute to hip dysplasia, so weight management is crucial
  • Patellar luxation—This is a painful condition caused by a cat’s kneecap slipping out of the joint. It can stem from physical trauma or injury, but it can also be inherited. Studies show that dietary habits, environment, and lifestyle can contribute to the development of this condition
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)—HCM causes the walls of a cat’s heart to thicken, decreasing the heart’s efficiency. Common symptoms include laboured breathing and lethargy. The condition can be accompanied by blood clot formation, which can block blood flow in the hind legs, leading to acute pain or limb paralysis. Excess weight can worsen the condition because it puts an additional strain on the heart. Diagnosing HCM early and introducing a healthy diet can considerably improve a feline’s quality of life
  • Diabetes—Obesity and diabetes often go hand in hand. When a cat suffers from diabetes, their organism cannot regulate insulin, which leads to permanently high glucose levels in the blood. Common symptoms include frequent urination, increased thirst, and insatiable appetite. As the disease progresses, your cat may start losing weight, refusing food, vomiting, and feeling weak in their hind limbs

Healthy, well-balanced food, whether wet, dry, semi-moist, raw, or homemade, can help keep your feline’s weight in check and prevent many health issues that can cause your Siamese pain and make them aggressive.

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Keep your Siamese healthy and friendly with good nutrition

Nutrition is crucial for your cat’s health, and if your Siamese feels good, they are less likely to have aggressive outbursts.

Tasty and healthy cat food should consist of:

  1. Animal protein
  2. Animal fat

Animal protein

The number one ingredient in cat food should be meat. Felines get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from it. It’s their primary energy source and delivers the essential amino acids, such as taurine and arginine, which cats need for:

  • Normal organ function
  • Muscle growth
  • Haemoglobin synthesis
  • Elimination of nitrogen waste

The more protein cat food contains, the fewer issues felines will have with:

  • Digestion
  • Weight management
  • Shedding and hairballs
  • Urinary infections
  • Allergies

There are many healthy protein sources, but some are only suitable as occasional snacks because of the high fat content. Check out the table below for more details:

Regular meals

Occasional snacks

  • Chicken (raw or cooked)
  • Liver
  • Turkey
  • Tuna
  • Prawns
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Ham
  • Bacon

Animal fat

Animal fat makes your cat’s food taste delicious, and it provides essential fatty acids necessary for:

  • Healthy skin and coat
  • Efficient immune response
  • Normal circulation

Since Siamese cats can be fussy, they may need persuasion to start eating their food. Animal fat found in good quality cat jelly or gravy meals is so tempting that even finicky divas can’t resist it.

Recommended percentages of nutrients

The ideal ratio of the main nutrients in cat food is as follows:


Recommended percentage

Animal protein

At least 50%

Animal fat

Up to 20%


Less than 3%

How can Untamed help?

Cuddle time, play sessions, and Untamed wet cat food will keep your Siamese cat healthy, happy, and calm.

Well-balanced nutrition is vital for your feline’s health and friendliness.

Image (c) Untamed

All our recipes are formulated to meet your feline’s dietary needs without sacrificing the taste. Untamed meals are:

  • Rich in animal protein—We only use the best-quality meat and fish, and every Untamed tin contains two times more protein than most commercial products. Carbs (such as grains and vegetables), meat derivatives, additives, and other filler ingredients cats shouldn’t eat have no place in our food
  • Allergen-free—We steer clear of common allergens that can cause skin issues, digestive problems, and general agitation
  • Gently steamed to preserve high nutritional value—Our preparation process eliminates harmful bacteria while keeping the taste intact, so you won’t have to worry about your kitty refusing wet food
  • Formulated by vets—All our recipes are designed by vets to ensure your Siamese gets complete and balanced nutrition, from kittenhood to old age, regardless of their sterilisation status

Complete our online quiz and create a tailor-made meal plan. You can adjust the serving size to your Siamese specific needs for the best results.

Get Untamed for your Siamese

Get our trial pack in a few clicks:

  1. Tell us about your Siamese
  2. Choose the products
  3. Place the order

The starter pack will be at your doorstep in a day. You’ll notice a positive change in your furry friend’s attitude after a few days, and we can deliver a fresh batch every month to keep your Siamese full and chill.

Siamese cat parents who have already switched their kitties to Untamed say you can expect the following changes:

  1. Week 1—Improved digestion, better mood
  2. Month 2—Leaner body, shinier fur, reduced stress
  3. Month 4—Less shedding, fewer hairballs, more playfulness
  4. Lifelong—Stable health, natural weight management, even energy levels


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