HomeWHYWhy Do You Want To Work For Rev Answer

Why Do You Want To Work For Rev Answer

Rev is one of those companies that do not make headlines. If you asked 100 random people on the street whether they knew Rev, and what their core business was, I guarantee you that at least 96 of them would have no idea. Yet this American company, specializing in speech to text services, employs almost 90,000 independent contractors all over the world, and household names like Amazon or Google (companies that everyone knows) belong to their long list of clients.

In my book that’s how smart business is done-generating over $2 billion in annual revenue, and yet staying under the radar, out of spotlight. Whether it is a good company to work for is another matter altogether, but I do not want to discuss it at this point. You decided to apply with them, and the one question you will always face in the application process is Why Rev? Why do you want to work for them (as a contractor or as an employee)? Why not some other company, or some other position?

Actually you have quite a few options for a good answer to this one. Before we look at 7 sample answers, I want you to remember one crucial thing: you should not sound desperate. Rev does not pay a lot for a minute of transcription, and many of their contractors are students or people from the so called “third world countries” (though I do not like that name). They apply simply because it is a contracting job you can do from everywhere in the world, and because they do not have better options. However, you should try to look for something good, something positive about this opportunity. The 7 sample answers below should give you some inspiration. Enjoy!

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7 sample answers to “Why do you want to work for Rev?” interview question

  1. This type of work just suits me perfectly. I am looking for a flexibility, because I have other obligations and I still work on my education. At the same time, however, I need some income to support myself and to continue financing my studies. Speech to text is relatively easy, and you can do it almost everywhere, even when on the bus to school, or when you find a free hour in your busy schedule. I also typewrite quickly and have good listening skills, hence I consider myself a good fit for the job.
  2. First and foremost, it is the reputation of your company. Your list of clients is just stunning. One does not have to be afraid that you will go out of business or that I won’t get paid for the projects I complete with you-as it has happened to me before, working for a smaller local company. At the same time, I like the fact that this isn’t a full time job, and one can accept only as many projects as their workload and their life allows them to accept. To be honest, in my present situation it suits me perfectly.
  3. I want to work or Rev because I worked for you before, and I loved it back then. Many things happened since-I tried freelancing in photography, I married, divorced, life has taken me on a crazy ride. Hence for a few years I left the speech to text space, and focused on other things in life. But now I find myself in similar circumstances as a few years ago, when I actually enjoyed working for Rev, and built a good reputation. I want to get onboard again, though I understand it may take some time until I build my status on the platform again.
  4. I got a recommendation from a fried who has been with you for two years already. They told me things start slowly, but once you work hard and build your reputation, you can earn nice money with Rev. Now I lost the job and in this economy it isn’t easy to get a new one, unless I want to flip burgers somewhere. Hence I thought I would get a shot to freelancing. My skills are limited, but I believe everyone can do speech to text, and I am ready to give this opportunity my best shot.
  5. As strange as it may sound to you reading these lines, working for Rev is actually pretty lucrative for me. Here where I live an average salary is below $300 monthly. And it is hard to find jobs. I speak English on a very decent level, and enjoy listening to audio books. I understand everything perfectly, and hence I thought, why not make a living out of this? Have done my research and came to a conclusion that your company is the best one in the field, and working as a contractor for you I can actually earn more money than I realistically can earn doing jobs in my country.
  6. As a single mother with two children, I am looking for a work from home opportunity, something that will allow me to earn some money while still staying with my children. Considering my strengths and also things I enjoy doing, I came to a conclusion that audio and video transcripts would work great for me. Then I did my research, found your company, read the reviews online and everything, and eventually decided to apply with you.
  7. To be completely honest with you, I find myself in a difficult financial situation, and “try my luck” with different freelancing platforms and different companies. Rev is very-well known in this space, I know people who make nice money monthly with you. At the same time though I know it takes time to build the rapport with you, and one cannot expect to get many hours at the start. That’s why I try not putting all my eggs in one basket, and rather register with different companies and platforms, and hopefully the earnings combined can provide for my living. Having said that, I feel 100% qualified to work for Rev, and feel audio and video to speech is a great match to my strengths…
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Final thoughts

When they as you why do you want to work for Rev, or why do you apply with Rev, your goal isn’t to reinvent the wheel. Do not try to come up with some unique answer at all costs. What matters is that you show them clearly why you apply, what your motivation is, and why Rev and audio transcribing makes sense to you, in your present life situation.

Of course, you can compliment the company for something, mention a recommendation from a friend, or even narrate your past experience with similar work (if you have such). But you do not necessarily have to do any of these things. As long as you do not sound desperate and clearly explain your reasons, they will be be satisfied with your answer. I hope it helps, and wish you good luck in your professional career!


May also interest you:

  • What types of projects would you like to work on?
  • How flexible are you?
  • Top 3 reasons why you’re qualified for this job?


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