Why Does Ariana Grande Look So Different

Social media users have reinvigorated the conversation around Ariana Grande’s seemingly ever-changing appearance after she announced her seventh studio album will be released in 2024. In a now-viral video, a TikTok creator uses color analysis to explain her theory on why the famous pop singer looks so different to many.

Elizabeth (@elizabethannswenson) has reached over 3.7 million views and 203,000 likes on her video by Friday.

In her video, Elizabeth starts by saying, “If you’ve been on the internet at all, you’ve definitely seen people talking about Ariana Grande’s appearance and how she looks so different.”

She adds that she is aware of the talk about cosmetic procedures but wanted to share a different reason for “why your eye goes, ‘huh?’ when you look at her.”

Elizabeth captioned her video, “We know there’s also been cosmetic changes but that’s not what I’m talking about in terms of catching the eye.”

To start, she says that Grande eliminated “the contrast of her aesthetic.”

Next, Elizabeth explains that she herself has somewhat of a “high contrast.” By this, she means her skin and hair are quite different in color. “When I was blond, I had less contrast,” she adds, “because they’re closer to being the same.”

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Then, she points out that when editing a photo, the contrast button “makes the dark darker, and the light lighter; it brings the opposites ou.t”

Elizabeth says that Grande eliminated all of this.

“Her eyebrows blend into her skin,” she says. “Her hair almost blends into her face.”

Elizabeth says that because Grande has always had more contrast and now doesn’t, “that’s something that’s automatically gonna make your eye go, ‘What?’”

Even more so, she says that most low-contrast people awillhave a match between hair, skin, and eyes. Same with very high-contrast people.

“Ariana has brown eyes,” she says, but light hair and skin. “So you’re basically looking at a bunch of light color and then a very dark eye.”

She says this is what makes it look so unnatural because most people born with blond hair are not going to have very dark eyes.

“So anyways, that’s one of the reasons,” Elizabeth adds before ending her video.

Viewers in the comments section are quick to agree with Elizabeth’s theory.

“Yes! It reminds me of years ago when someone said Spencer Pratt had a flesh colored beard. She has flesh colored hair now,” a comment with over 12,000 likes says.

Another agrees, “It’s the eyebrows for me honestly, so this tracks.”

“And the fact that she wears a lot less makeup and no self tanner any more, you nailed it,” another responds.

Elizabeth says, “That’s a part of what took her contrast down!! If she had a tan with this blonde we’d see more contrast.”

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One commenter points out, “people don’t realize she did this for the role of Glinda, idk why everyone’s shocked.”

The Daily Dot reached out to Elizabeth via TikTok direct message.

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