Why Does Beowulf Travel To Herot

Beowulf Comes to Herot

The paved road guided the men. Their war-coats shone, the hard locks ringing as they came toward the hall. The sea-weary ones set their broad, strong shields against the building’s wall, then sat down on benches, their armor resounding. They stood their spears together, ash wood tipped with gray, an iron troop.

Then a proud Danish warrior asked them: “From where have you carried these gold-inlaid shields, these shirts of mail, masked helmets, and battle shafts? I am Hrothgar’s messenger and officer. Never have I seen braver strangers. I expect you’re here to find adventure, not asylum.”

The brave one answered him, he of the proud Geats tribe, hard under his helmet: “We are Hygelac’s table companions. Beowulf is my name. I will declare to the great lord, Healfdene’s son, my errand, if your prince will greet us.”

Wulfgar spoke-he was of the Wendla tribe and known to many for fighting and wisdom- “I will ask the lord of the Danes, the giver of rings, if he will reward your journey and speedily make his wishes known.”

Wulfgar went quickly to where Hrothgar sat, old and gray, with his most trusted men. He went before the face of the Dane’s lord, knowing the customs of warriors. Wulfgar spoke to his friendly lord: “From far over the sea’s expanse has come a man of the Geats, a chief of warriors named Beowulf. He and his men have, my lord, asked to exchange words with you. Do not refuse the request, Hrothgar! These men look worthy of a warrior’s esteem. Indeed, the chief among them, he who guides them, is strong.”

Hrothgar, guard of the Danes, spoke: “I knew him when he was a boy. His father is called Edgtheow. To that man Hrethel of the Geats gave his only daughter. Now his offspring has come in bravery seeking a loyal friend. Seafarers who took gifts to the Geats say that he has the strength of thirty men in his hand grip. Holy God, out of kindness, has sent this man to us to save us from Grendel’s terror. I shall give treasures to that brave man for his impetuous courage. Be you in haste: go, call in this band of kinsmen. Say to them that they are welcome to the Danish people.”

Wulfgar, famous warrior, went to the door: “My victorious lord, prince of the Danes, bids me say he knows your noble descent and that brave men who come over the sea swells are welcome to him. Come with your war dress, under your helmets, to see Hrothgar, but let your war shields and wooden spears await the outcome of your talk.”

The mighty one arose, surrounded by warriors, a mighty band of men. Some remained with the weapons, as the brave one ordered. The rest hastened, as the man guided, under Herot’s roof.

The great warrior went, hard under his helmet, until he stood within in his shining coat of mail, his armor-net sewn by smiths.

Beowulf spoke: “I am Hygelac’s kinsman and warrior. I have undertaken many glorious deeds. I learned of Grendel in my native land. Seafarers say this place, the best of halls, stands idle and useless after sundown. Hrothgar, the wise men among my people advised that I seek you because they know my strength- they saw me come from battles stained in the blood of my enemies, when I destroyed a family of giants, when I endured pain all night, killing water monsters, grinding them to bits, to avenge for the Geats those who asked for misery. And now I shall, alone, fight Grendel. I ask you, lord of the Danes, protector of this people, for only one favor: that you refuse me not, fair friend of the people, do not refuse those who have come so far the chance to cleanse Herot. I have heard that the monster in his recklessness uses no weapons. I, therefore, to amuse Hygelac my lord, scorn to carry sword or shield, but I shall seize my enemy in my hand grip and fight, enemy against enemy, and let God decide who shall be taken by death. I expect, if he wins, that he will eat fearlessly of the Geat people in this hall as he often has of yours. Nor will you need, if death takes me, worry about a burial- that solitary one will carry my corpse, dripping with blood, to a ruthless feast. If battle takes me, send this best of war garments, this shirt of mail, to Hygelac-it is an inheritance from Hrethel and the work of Weland. Fate always goes as it will!”

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Hrothgar, protector of the Danes, spoke: “Because of past kindness and deeds done, you have come, my friend Beowulf. By a killing your father brought about the greatest of feuds. He was the killer of Heatholaf among the Wylfings. The Geats, for fear of war, would not have him, so he sought us Danes over the rolling waves. . . back when I first ruled, as a youth, this wide kingdom of the Danish people, this treasure city of heroes. Heorogar was dead then, my older brother, the son of Healfdene. (He was better than I!) I paid money to settle your father’s feud, sent treasure over the water’s back to the Wylfings. Your father swore oaths to me. It is a sorrow for me to say to any man what Grendel has done- humiliations in Herot- hostile attacks on my hall warriors until they are diminished, swept away in Grendel’s horror. God may easily put an end to that mad ravager’s deeds. Quite often have men boasted, over their ale-cups, drunk on beer, that they would meet Grendel’s attack in the hall with grim swords. But in the morning when the daylight shone, the mead hall was stained in gore, the hall wet with the blood of battle. And I had a few less loyal men. Sit now and feast, glory of warriors, and speak your thoughts as your heart tells you.”

So a bench was cleared for the Geats and the brave men sat down proud in their strength.

A warrior did his duty, bearing an etched cup and pouring sweet drink. The poet sang in a clear voice, and in Herot there was the joy of brave men, Danes and Geats.

Unferth, Ecglaf’s son, who sat at the feet of the king of the Danes, spoke, unloosing a battle-rune (The bravery of Beowulf was a vexation to him because he envied any man on this middle-earth who had more glory than himself): “Are you that Beowulf who struggled with Brecca in the broad sea in a swimming contest? The one who, out of pride, risked his life in the deep water though both friends and enemies told you it was too dangerous? Are you the one who hugged the sea, gliding through the boiling waves of the winter’s swell? You and Brecca toiled seven nights in the sea, and he, with more strength, overcame you. And in the morning the waves bore him to the Heathrames from whence he went home to the Brondings, beloved of them, to his people and mead hall. Brecca fulfilled all his boast. Because of this, though you have everywhere withstood the battle storm, I don’t expect much from you if you dare await Grendel in the night.” Beowulf spoke: “Well, my friend Unferth, you have said a good many things about Brecca and that trip, drunk on beer as you are. Truth to tell, I had more strength but also more hardships in the waves. He and I were both boys and boasted out of our youth that we two would risk our lives in the sea. And so we did. With naked swords in hand, to ward off whales, we swam. Brecca could not out-swim me, nor could I out-distance him. And thus we were, for five nights. It was cold weather and the waves surged, driving us apart, and the North wind came like a battle in the night. Fierce were the waves and the anger of the sea fish stirred. My coat of mail, adorned in gold and locked hard by hand, helped against those foes. A hostile thing drew me to the bottom in its grim grip, but it was granted to me to reach it with my sword’s point. The battle storm destroyed that mighty sea beast through my hand. And on and on evil things threatened me. I served them with my sword as it was right to do. Those wicked things had no joy of the feast, did not sit at the sea’s bottom eating my bones. When the morning came my sword had put many to sleep, and even today in that fiord they don’t hinder seafarers. Light shone from the East, that bright beacon of God, and the seas subsided. I saw cliffs, the windy walls of the sea. Fate often saves an undoomed man if his courage holds. Anyway, with my sword I slew nine sea monsters. Nor have I heard tell of a harder fight or a more distressed man ever to go in the sea. I survived the grasp of hostiles, and the sea bore me, the surging water, weary, into the land of the Finns. I have not heard anything about you surviving such battles, such terrors of the sword. Neither Brecca nor you have performed such deeds in war sport or with shining swords. Yet I don’t boast about it. But you, your own brother’s murderer, shall be damned and burn in Hell no matter how strong your wit is. I say to you truly, son of Ecglaf, that wretch Grendel would never have done such horrors, such humiliations on you chief, if you were so fierce as you suppose. Grendel has found he need not fear feud, any sword storm, from your people. He takes his toll, showing no mercy to the Danish folk. He enjoys himself, killing and feasting, and expects no fight from the Danes. But I shall offer him the battle of a Geat in strength and courage. When I get done with him, anyone who wishes may happily go into the mead hall as morning shines on the children of men. On that day the sun will be clothed in radiance as it shines from the South!” The giver of treasure, Hrothgar, gray-haired and brave in battle, felt glad-the chief of the Danes could count on help. That guardian of the folk heard in Beowulf firm resolution. The men laughed, the din resounding, and the words turned friendly. Wealhtheow, Hrothgar’s queen, came forth, mindful of kin, adorned in gold to greet the men. First she gave the cup to the country’s guardian, that one dear to his people, biding joy in his beer drinking. That king famous for victories happily took the feast cup. Then that woman of the Helmings went round to each, young and old, sharing the precious cup. In proper time that ring-adorned queen excellent in mind brought the mead cup to Beowulf. She greeted him, thanking God that her wish had been fulfilled, that finally a hero had come who she could count on to stop Grendel’s crimes.

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Beowulf, fierce in war, received the cup from Wealhtheow and spoke eagerly of battle: “I resolved when I set to sea in my boat with my warriors that I, alone, will fulfill the wish of your people. . . or die in the foe’s grasp. I shall perform the deeds of a hero or I have passed my last day in this mead hall.”

The woman liked these words, this brave speech of the Geat. The gold-adorned folk queen went to sit by her lord.

Now again, as it had been in the old days, brave words were spoken and the people were happy. The gladness of warriors continued until the son of Healfdene wished to go to his evening rest. Hrothgar knew the wretch planned to attack the hall after the sun had set, night over the hall, when the shadows came striding dark under the clouds.

All the company arose. Warrior then saluted warrior, Hrothgar wishing Beowulf luck in his fight for the hall. Hrothgar said these words: “Never, since I have been able to lift shield, have I entrusted this hall, this mighty house of the Danes, to any man. But now I entrust it to you. Have and hold this best of houses. Keep fame in mind, watch against the foe, and make your valor known! You shall lack nothing if you survive this deed.”

Then Hrothgar, protector of the Danes, and his band of warriors left the hall. Hrothgar sought the queen’s bed.

God, as men learned, had chosen a man who could fight Grendel. The chief of the Geats, indeed, trusted his strength and God’s favor. Beowulf took off his armor, off his helmet, handed his figured sword to the attendant. Beowulf, that good man, then spoke some brave words before he got in bed: “I don’t claim myself any lower in strength or brave deeds than Grendel. Therefore, I will not kill him with a sword, though I easily might. Though he is famous for strength, he knows no weapons to cut a shield. If he chooses to forego a sword, if he dares seek me without weapon, then we two shall fight without, and wise God, that king, shall choose who shall win glory.”

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The battle-brave one lay down then, a pillow received the warrior’s face, and his brave men sought rest around him in the hall. Not one thought he would seek home again, see his people or birthplace. Far too many Danes had already died there. But the Lord would give victory to the Geat people, helping and supporting, so that one man’s craft overcame all. (It is well known that God always rules the race of men.)

* * * * *

In Episode 4 Grendel meets Beowulf!

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